Saving Energy, Saving Money

As a business, you look for ways to cut your overhead costs – have you thought about how your monthly utilities bill plays into your business’ overall revenue?

In Colorado the average monthly commercial electricity bill is $449, which ranks 42nd in the nation. Colorado spends almost 29 percent less than the nation, but even as a more affordable energy state there are ways to save energy and save your business money.

SuperGreen Solutions (SGS), is a Chamber member that is innovating how businesses can save money. SGS helps midsize commercial buildings becoming energy efficient by auditing the buildings energy and providing a laundry list of energy saving measures from water to solar.

We sat down with Coleman Craft, COO of SGS about his tips and tricks for businesses — and, he has firsthand experience.

“I was a regional vice president for a winery that went off the grid 10 years ago through energy conservation measures and solar production,” said Craft. “The winery is now debt free, organic and completely self-sufficient, selling energy back to their energy provider. This showed me the power of renewable energy and the importance of reducing the overall energy need, not just renewable energy production.”

While we have a horse barn or two in Colorado, there are other ways to innovate and save. Try Craft’s four tips to save your business money:

Energy Saving Tips from SuperGreen Solutions

Make sure your insulation is up to snuff. Adding the correct amount of energy-efficient insulation to an existing business can reduce your energy costs and carbon footprint – saving an estimated 30 percent on energy costs.

Add light motion detectors. Lighting usage accounts for about 10 percent of your electricity bill. Adding light motion detectors can reduce the amount of lighting used by monitoring when a room isn’t being used.

Install LED lights. LED lights are more efficient than incandescent and halogen light globes – they also last up to 30 times longer than normal light bulbs.

Match your office temperature (and your dress code) to the seasons. “Turn down your heat two to three degrees in the winter and put on a sweater. Conversely, in the summer, turn it up a few degrees and wear shorts and a T-shirt,” Craft said.

Laura James is the marketing and communications coordinator for the Denver Metro Chamber.