Network Better On and Off the Golf Course

The golf course is one of the prominent places for networking; it helps people to find a common ground and get to know each other and their businesses outside of the boardroom.

The Chamber’s sold out Golf Classic combines the love of golf with the importance of networking. Check out these three tips on how to work the room or the course, and learn how to grow your network.

Networking is a two-way street

The strongest relationships are formed when you spend the time to genuinely get to know the other person. Don’t just pepper them with questions; find out more about their business and inform them about yours. Creating a platform for dialogue will continue the relationship beyond the event.

Chamber tip: Networking is building a strong foundation for a relationship. Check out the right way to network to develop your networking skills.

Think people, not positions

The person that you are talking to is more important than their title. Make it your mission to find the value in each person that you talk to, because you never know what can come out of each conversation. You don’t know where they are going to go in their career or how that connection could help you in the future. Building those concrete relationships are key to maintaining and expanding your network.

Chamber tip: When you have a mindset of reciprocity, you make more meaningful contacts. Learn how to network like you really mean it with these eight tips.

Always get a second date

At networking events, it is often hard to gauge if that initial impression is worth continuing. That is why it’s important to secure a second meeting; make sure you get their contact information to follow up with them to build that new relationship.

Chamber tip: Make the first impression count to lead to a second interaction. Make the most of the time you have and check out the three ways to build leads in 90 minutes.

Take your networking skills beyond the driving range and check out the Chamber’s upcoming networking events to put your skills to the test.

Laura James is the communications and marketing coordinator for the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce.