Cereset Cherry Creek


1535 S Clermont St
Denver, CO 80246

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About Cereset - Cereset is a wellness company that helps clients relax their brains to manage stress, restore hope and achieve restful sleep through its patented BrainEcho® neuromodulation technology. Cereset empowers the brain to reset itself as it hears and "sees" its own reflection. The global technology leader in non-invasive brain self-restoration and optimization, Cereset enables the brain to fully relax and naturally rebalance itself from the inside out. There is no outside intervention, stimulus, or medication of any kind - the brain does its own work while the client naps or relaxes quietly in a comfortable chair. Over the past 15 years, Brain State Technologies & Cereset has licensed its advanced technology to over 200 centers in more than 18 countries to successfully empower more than 150,000 clients in North America and Europe.

Gina Fontaine
Member since: 2024

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