2017 Education and Workforce Bills

We focus on education as one of our pillars for a strong economy because preparing our students—our workforce of the future—is essential to our success as a region. In fact, it’s a critical issue that we’re focusing on as a Chamber.

Have a question about a position we’ve taken? Call us at 303-620-8088 or email us at publicpolicy@denverchamber.org.

  • Position Key
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  • Oppose
  • Neutral
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  • STATUS Key
  • Passed
  • Failed
  • Vetoed
  • Active
Bill # Title Summary Position Justification Materials Pillars Status
File 23-1960 Prohibiting Tent Removals and Opening Warming Shelters in Freezing Weather

This ordinance would prohibit city officials and law enforcement from removing shelters or tents from public areas 48 hours prior to the outdoor temperature being predicted to be 32 degrees or below. It would also extend operating hours for public and private facilities operating under contract with the City, to provide temporary shelter for those exposed to weather conditions when the temperature is predicted to be 32 degrees or below.

The Chamber opposes File 23-1960. The Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce sympathizes with the intention of the proposed ordinance and agrees that the safety and wellbeing of Denver’s unhoused population is paramount. However, the Denver Chamber believes there are several operational concerns with the proposed program, bringing us to oppose the ordinance. The passage of this ordinance would result in keeping people in encampments on the streets for longer periods of time, during the coldest stretches of weather. The Denver Chamber believes the safest and most compassionate option is to bring people indoors when it is cold outside. Additionally, this measure creates major roadblocks to both achieving the city’s goals for moving people into housing and enforcing the voter-approved camping ban.

HB24-1001 Reauthorization of Rural Jump-Start Program

The legislation continues the rural jump-start zone grant program, which is currently set to terminate on July 1, 2024. The program is a collaborative effort to incentivize new businesses to start in or move to rural, economically distressed counties in Colorado, referred to as Rural Jump-Start zones, and hire new employees. 

The Rural Jump-Start Zone program was previously signed into law by Governor Hickenlooper in May 2015 and has since boosted rural economic development across the western slope. The Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce enthusiastically supports the reauthorization of this program as it aligns with our efforts to continue expanding economic growth and empowerment statewide.

HB24-1004 Ex-Offenders Practice in Regulated Occupations

This bill allows an individual with a criminal conviction if the offense is a violent felony or a misdemeanor to petition a regulator to determine whether their criminal conviction should preclude them from becoming qualified to be registered, certified, or licensed for a state-regulated occupation. If an offense is not violent, but would otherwise disqualify a person from registering, retaining a certification, or license, the bill would disallow the regulator from considering the person’s criminal conviction for the offense after a 3-year period has passed.

The Chamber is monitoring amendments to this legislation, as it aligns with our equity and inclusion agenda. Reassessing overly restrictive barriers to help maintain a pathway to a stronger workforce while also protecting our hiring practices is imperative to Colorado’s economic success.

HB24-1005 Health Insurers Contract with Qualified Providers

The bill requires a health-care insurance carrier to include a primary care provider as a participating provider in all networks, including narrow networks and all tiers of tiered networks, of the carrier's health benefit plan if they meet certain criteria.

The approach of the bill would increase healthcare costs for businesses and employees by eliminating a critical tool for controlling costs.

HB24-1008 Wage Claims Construction Industry Contractors

This bill makes requirements around wage claims brought by individuals working in the construction industry. The bill aims to protect against wage theft in the construction industry, expanding general contractor accountability for wage claims involving contractors and making general contractors responsible for their subcontractors’ payments to laborers.

The Chamber and our members are opposed to wage theft but see unintended consequences in the current draft of this legislation, including the potential for more litigation rather than getting people paid. Additionally, we have questions of practicality and fairness when it comes to a general contractor defending themself against claims from an employee that they have no direct, or likely any, relationship with. The Chamber will engage with sponsors and proponents on these concerns.

HB24-1014 Deceptive Trade Practice Significant Impact Standard

This bill aims to eliminate a judicially created requirement that limited the application of the Colorado Consumer Protection Act. In the 1998 Hall v. Walter ruling, the Colorado Supreme Court held that an injured individual or business must prove that an unfair, unconscionable or deceptive act or practice “significantly impacts the public.”

The Chamber opposes HB24-1014. The Denver Metro Chamber continues to oppose lowering the standard required to file a claim under the Colorado Consumer Protection Act. We ardently support safeguarding consumers; however, the Chamber believes that overturning the 25-year-old Colorado Supreme Court decision and thus, significantly lowering the threshold of what is legally required to prove harm, will incentivize predatory litigation tactics and frivolous lawsuits. As a result, this legislation would lead to major economic harm for Colorado’s business community.

HB24-1028 Overdose Prevention Centers

This bill would allow for overdose prevention centers, or safe injection sites. An overdose prevention center is defined as a facility designed to provide a space for individuals to use controlled substances in a monitored setting with supervision, access to equipment and counselors, as well as referrals to substance use disorder treatment. The bill specifies that a municipality may authorize the operation of an overdose prevention center within the municipality’s boundaries.

The Chamber Opposes HB24-1028. The Denver Chamber acknowledges that the increase in drug abuse, drug related deaths, and crime remains to be a monumental and deeply concerning issue for our communities. The Chamber is highly concerned about the disproportionate strain the location of a safe injection site can have on a community or neighborhood, local businesses, and local law enforcement. We also recognize the health and public safety risks to citizens, local communities, and health-care staff associated with such facilities.

HB24-1030 Railroad Safety Requirements

This bill would impose new requirements on railroads operating within Colorado. The new requirements include limiting the length of the train to 8,500 feet, requiring wayside detector systems (systems that monitor passing trains for defects), and prohibiting obstruction of a public crossway for longer than 10 minutes. The bill also would implement new reporting and investigation requirements for union members in which the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) would be at liberty to impose fines for the violation of these new safety requirements – the PUC would also develop the guidelines for determining and imposing the fines. This bill would also create a new front range passenger district maintenance and safety fund financed by the fines collected by the PUC to allocate money for projects to improve the safety of a passenger rail system.

The Chamber opposes HB24-1030. The Railroad Safety Requirement bill is not a safety requirement bill in so much as it is a state regulation omnibus. The bill was drafted without stakeholder input from the railroads and includes requirements that are at odds with federal railroad regulations. As a result, this bill and its associated regulations will cause major ramifications for Colorado’s business communities and broader networks of interstate commerce. For instance, imposing arbitrary limits on train length will result in an unknown impact to Colorado’s supply chain, freight network capacity, and congestion.

HB24-1041 Streamline Filing Sales & Use Tax Returns

The bill modifies tax filing thresholds for any sales and use taxes collected by jurisdictions that do not use the state sales and use tax simplification system (SUTS). It also requires that all home rule jurisdictions use the SUTS system beginning July 1, 2025.

The Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce supports the simplification and streamlining of the Colorado tax system. This bill updates previous thresholds to reflect inflation and puts additional thresholds on local municipalities to further align into the tax simplification system administered by the department of revenue (SUTS). Consistent and transparent tax policy is critical to allowing local citizens to succeed and businesses to thrive.

HB24-1050 Simplify Processes Regarding Certain Local Government Taxes

This bill changes reporting and transparency tax laws, requiring local taxing jurisdictions to report and publish information on local lodging tax and permit related sales or use tax information.

The Chamber supports the ability to further simplify local government taxes. It is important to keep taxes manageable and transparent for local citizens to succeed and businesses to thrive.

HB24-1057 Prohibit Algorithmic Devices Used for Rent Setting

This bill prohibits the use of an algorithmic device by a landlord to determine the amount of rent to charge a residential tenant, establishing that the use of such a device is an unfair or deceptive trade practice under the "Colorado Consumer Protection Act." This does not include a product or calculation that has been designed internally and used exclusively by a landlord or their affiliates.

The Chamber opposes HB24-1057. The Denver Metro Chamber opposes prohibiting landlords from using publicly available data to help determine the rent within their local region. We support protecting Colorado renters from collusion and unfair trade practices; however, these accounting programs are universally used to gather data and effectively list units within the market price, not maximize rent. The Denver Metro Chamber believes this piece of legislation is an overreach and has the potential to cause negative repercussions for the business community given its broad definition of what could be considered an algorithm.

HB24-1075 Analysis of Universal Health-Care Payment System

The bill concerns the consideration of a statewide universal health-care payment system for Colorado that directly compensates providers, requiring the Colorado School of Public Health to submit a report detailing its findings to the General Assembly by Oct. 1, 2025. The bill also creates the statewide health-care analysis advisory task force consisting of 21 members for the purpose of advising the Colorado School of Public Health in conducting an analysis of draft model legislation concerning the statewide universal health-care payment system.

The Chamber opposes HB24-1075. While we recognize that this bill does not directly establish publicly financed healthcare, we have several serious concerns with this proposal. First, Coloradans overwhelmingly voted against a single-payer, publicly owned system in 2016. Second, we do not believe the legislature can justify the expense of this study when there are other policies and programs whose funding is jeopardized by a tighter budgetary environment. Third, we believe information on the feasibility of publicly financed healthcare already exists and has been studied in Colorado through other mechanisms; this cost and information would be redundant. Fourth, this system of healthcare is incompatible with the programs we have already set up to address healthcare costs and access, specifically the Colorado Option and the reinsurance program.

HB24-1083 Construction Professional Insurance Coverage Transparency

The bill requires the division of insurance to conduct a study of construction liability insurance for construction professionals in Colorado. The study must include 1) All insurers offering construction liability policies in Colorado 2) an analysis of the rates charged for liability insurance in Colorado, 3) the factors used to set the insurance rates, 4) a cost comparison of insurance rates in other states, 5) policy coverage terms, and 6) common limitations/exclusions from coverage. The bill also requires that the seller of the property must provide the purchaser and the county with information regarding the insurance coverage for the property.

The Chamber strongly opposes this bill. While the bill is positioned as a study on insurance coverage, in practice it would increase construction litigation and further discourage condominium development. One of the chamber’s main priorities is ensuring Colorado builds a pathway to an increased housing supply. This bill would put contractors in a litigation chokehold, further exacerbating our housing shortage.

HB24-1097 Military Family Occupational Credentialing

This is a bipartisan bill that makes changes to Colorado’s occupational portability program concerning the spouses and dependents of military members to allow them to either more easily obtain or keep their credentialing. Changes include: (1) streamlining a spouse or dependent’s transfer of occupations licensure or credentials in Colorado if they are in good standing in another state, (2) allowing applicants to be credentialed if the applicant committed an act that would have disallowed them from licensure in Colorado, but the applicant remains in good standing in their current state, (3) allowing military spouses and dependent to obtain a six-year credential while in Colorado, (4) waiving application and renewal fees for credentials, and (5) expanding eligibility for the program to spouses and dependents of Armed Forces Reserve, Ready Reserve, and National Guard members in Colorado.

The Chamber Supports HB24-1097. The Denver Metro Chamber strongly supports legislation that empowers our workforce and increases contributions to local economic development. This piece of legislation streamlines processes that enable military families to more easily relocate and work in Colorado. By allowing military spouses and dependents to more easily obtain or keep their credentials during a move, we hope to provide additional support and encourage growth opportunities within the military community.

HB24-1107 Judicial Review of Local Land Use Decision

This bill requires attorney fees to be awarded to the prevailing defendant in an action concerning judicial review of a local land use decision, except for when an action is brought by the land use applicant before the government entity. 

The Chamber Supports HB24-1107. The Denver Metro Chamber’s leading policy priority is to provide more housing options for Coloradans. Judicial Review of Local Land Use decisions codifies an existing judicial decision to protect the court appeal process from abuse. Requiring attorney fees to be awarded to the prevailing defendant will add a cost, or consequence, in bringing forth frivolous lawsuits. As a result, this bill will help streamline the process at the local level to build additional housing.

HB24-1121 Consumer Right to Repair Digital Electronic Equipment

This bill expands the right-to-repair statues to digital electronic equipment and adds exemptions for various types of digital electronic equipment (such as motor vehicles, medical devices, and certain construction and energy-related equipment). In this context, right-to-repair means the original equipment manufacturer is required upon request to provide parts, tools, documentation and other resources to independent repair providers to facilitate repair.

The Chamber has taken an amend position for HB24-1121. The Chamber supports ensuring people can repair their digital electronic equipment. However, other states that have passed similar legislation have done so with clear exemptions for unique instances when a right to repair may be unjustified or have unintended consequence, such as with leased equipment. We encourage more research into the products and industry areas this piece of legislation will impact the most before moving forward.

HB24-1124 Discrimination in Places of Public Accommodation

A bipartisan bill that makes any tax exempted business listed as a 501C a place of public accommodation subject to the provisions of the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act. The bill amends the definition of a place of public accommodation to include non-profits, though a place that is used for religious purposes (church, synagogue, mosque, etc.) remains exempt. A person may be fined $10,000 for violating the act.

the Denver Metro Chamber has taken an amend position on HB24-1124. The Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce supports protecting our community and citizens from discrimination and enforcing violations related to this issue. However, we are concerned about components of this bill that assign harsh penalties for non-compliance and introduce unclear language, such as discrimination based on “viewpoint,” as a costly violation.

HB24-1125 Tax Credit Commercial Building Conversion

This is a bi-partisan bill that introduces a new, refundable income tax credit for qualified costs incurred in the conversion of a commercial structure to a residential structure. All applications and review will go through the Governor’s office of economic development. The office of economic development cannot reserve a tax credit in excess of $3 million for any one project and cannot reserve more than $5 million of tax credits in any one calendar year.

The Chamber Supports HB24-1125. The Denver Metro Chamber strongly supports incentive-based approaches to encourage the development of additional housing, which this legislation does by creating a refundable tax credit for eligible costs incurred when converting a commercial structure to residential.

HB24-1130 Privacy of Biometric Identifiers & Data

This is a bipartisan bill that amends the Colorado Privacy Act to include certain protections for an individual’s biometric data. The controller (business that collects the data) must adopt a policy that 1) establishes a retention schedule, 2) includes a protocol for responding to a breach of security and 3) includes guidelines that require permanent destruction of the biometric identifier. In addition, the controller must 1) obtain disclosure and consent forms to collect biometric data 2) allow consumer access and update biometric information, and 3) restrict an employer’s permissible reasons for collecting employee biometric information.

The Denver Metro Chamber has taken an amend position on HB24-1130. The Chamber supports clear, enforceable policy that enables business within Colorado to effectively comply with amendments to the Colorado Privacy Act (CPA). The Denver Metro Chamber appreciates the current stakeholder effort working to ensure that by adding increased protections to the CPA, we will not be hamstrung with unintended consequences in the future.

HB24-1133 Criminal Record Sealing & Expungement Changes

This is a bipartisan bill that creates new policy and procedures concerning record sealing and expungement. The bill allows the defendant in a mistaken identity case to petition for an expungement order if the arresting agency does not file a petition themselves. The defendant is not subject to any fees or costs associated with expunging the record. The bill also clarifies procedures for automatic sealing of a defendant’s record and a hearing related to sealing matters to be conducted remotely. In addition, the bill lowers waiting periods for sealing municipal records and creates record sealing procedures for conviction records when a statutory change legalizes previously prohibited conduct.

The Chamber supports HB24-1133. A core tenet of the Chamber is supporting efforts to put more Coloradans to work. In July 2021, 7.7% of jobs in Colorado were unfilled — an all-time high for the state, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. This bill follows a larger package that was passed two years ago and seeks to address the labor shortage by improving the policies and procedures related to record sealing and expungement. The Chamber continues to support this type of legislation that enables more people reach or be eligible for employment.

HB24-1136 Healthier Social Media Use by Youth

The bill adds measures to encourage healthier social media use by youth. This includes requiring the department of education to expand local student wellness programs to address the impacts of problematic technology use and create and maintain a resource bank of evidence-based, research-based, and promising program materials and curricula pertaining to the mental health impacts of social media use by children and teens. The bill also would require social media platforms to display a pop-up warning to users under the age of 18 when they have spent one-hour on the platform and/or is on the platform from the hours of 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.

The Chamber is in an amend position for HB24-1136. The Denver Metro Chamber encourages the bi-partisan and collaborative effort to put parameters around social media for youth. However, components of the proposed legislation introduce new standards and requirements that create a patchwork of compliance for national companies. The Chamber seeks to promote child online safety, while ensuring businesses can practically and clearly comply with our state laws.

HB24-1151 Disclose Mandatory Fees in Advertisements

The bill prohibits a person from advertising a price for a product, good or service that does not include all mandatory or nondiscretionary fees or charges. A violation of this prohibition is a deceptive trade practice enforceable by the attorney general or a district attorney.

The Denver Metro Chamber has taken an amend position on HB24-1151. The Denver Metro Chamber supports protecting consumers from unfair business practices; however, we recognize that there are unique industries within Colorado that operate in good faith with their consumers that could be unintentionally impacted by this piece of legislation. The Chamber seeks to omit the proper industries from the language of this bill to ensure the bill is operable across all unique business types.

HB24-1152 Accessory Dwelling Units

This is a bipartisan bill that aims to increase the number of accessory dwelling units (ADUs) in Colorado through new requirements, grant programs and limiting permitting restrictions. The bill requires jurisdictions to allow, subject to an administrative approval process, one ADU to a single unit detached dwelling. The bill also prohibits qualifying jurisdictions from enacting or enforcing certain local laws that would restrict the construction or conversion of an accessory dwelling unit.

The Chamber Supports HB24-1152. We encourage a bipartisan effort to increase housing inventory and provide diverse options for Coloradans. This bill both incentivizes the construction or conversion of ADUs through grant programs and lowers the barrier to entry by limiting permit restrictions and local laws that would normally prohibit ADU construction. ADUs are a critical option for a diverse set of stakeholders, including the disabled community looking to stay close to their support systems and giving seniors the opportunity to age in place. While we understand this is not the only solution needed to address Colorado’s housing needs, this piece of legislation works to bring much needed housing inventory to market.

HB24-1157 Employee-Owned Business Office & Income Tax Credit

The bill creates the employee ownership office, which was originally created administratively by the governor in 2020, as a statutory entity within the Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT). The bill also creates an income tax credit for specified costs incurred by new employee-owned businesses, to be administered by the employee ownership office.

The Chamber supports HB24-1157. The Denver Metro Chamber is committed to helping Colorado businesses stay in Colorado. This bill helps enable employees to buy into or own preexisting businesses. We support HB24-1157 and will continue to prioritize opportunities and programs that further enable an ownership society.

HB24-1160 Economic Development Organization Action Grant Program

A bipartisan bill that creates the economic development organization (EDO) action grant program within the Colorado office of economic development to provide $2 million worth of grants funding to Colorado-based economic development organizations to support and increase their capacity to implement community-specific economic development programming.

The Chamber supports HB24-1160. The Denver Metro Chamber is supportive of the bipartisan effort to support economic development and strategy across Colorado. HB24-1160 is a continuation of a grant program that increases the capacity for economic development organizations to invest in programs that support economic development opportunities across the state. The Chamber continues to be supportive of programs and initiatives such as HB24-1160, that help drive the further development of a robust economy that will in turn attract, expand, and retain businesses in the regions across the state.

HB24-1165 Denver Airport Accessibility

The bill imposes a set of duties on the Denver airport authority for accessibility-related functions at Denver international airport. The bill would authorize the Division of Aeronautics to issue fines for noncompliance of the duties and functions to any entity in violation. For a first offense, the entity has 30-days to remedy the noncompliance. If not remedied within 30-days, the fines increase. In addition, the bill includes a private right of action, enabling an individual alleging damages resulting from a violation by an entity to bring a civil suit and seek a court order requiring compliance and any other remedy the court determines necessary.

The Denver Metro Chamber opposes HB24-1165. We ardently support accessibility and disabilities rights. However, we are concerned about components of this bill that assign harsh penalties to Denver International Airport for violations they have little or no control over – such as violations that are carried out by separate entities such as TSA or specific airlines. Additionally, the Denver Metro Chamber is opposed to the inclusion of a private right of action, as it leads to frivolous lawsuits and predatory litigation practices.

HB24-1175 Local Governments Rights to Property for Affordable Housing

This bill creates two property rights with the goal of increasing the stock of affordable housing: a right of first refusal and a right of first offer. The bill requires the seller of multifamily rental properties that are considered existing affordable housing to give notice to the local government at least two years before the first expiration of an existing affordability restriction on the property and again when the seller takes certain actions as a precursor to selling the property. A local government also has the right of first offer to all other multifamily rental properties that are 20 years or older and have not more than 100 units and not less than five units in urban counties and three units in rural and rural resort counties.

The Chamber Opposes HB24-1175. While the Chamber believes addressing housing affordability is vital for workforce retention and recruitment, this bill would make capital investment less appealing, and therefore more difficult to build affordable housing stock. The most effective way to bring down housing costs is to support development in a meaningful way—cutting regulations, working to reform zoning, construction litigation reform, and incentivizing development professionals to invest and build in communities that need housing the most.

HB24-1230 Protections for Real Property Owners

The bill would expand the Construction Defect Actions Reform Act and the Colorado Consumer Protection Act. This includes removing the limitations on the legal rights or remedies that can be brought by the plaintiff, requiring prejudgment interest be awarded at a rate of 6% to the date of sale and 8% thereafter, and increasing the statute of limitations in which a claimant can bring a lawsuit from six years to 10 years.

The Chamber is opposed to HB24-1230. The Denver Metro Chamber is strongly opposed to HB24-1230, which is being brought by the Colorado Trial Lawyers Association. We believe in properly protecting Colorado homeowners, but current state policy has already created an overly litigious environment that has resulted in a severe lack of construction of condominiums and townhomes, a major factor in Colorado’s housing shortage. This legislation would exacerbate our housing crisis, taking the state in the opposite direction it needs to go to address the shortage of entry-level homes.

HB24-1237 Programs for the Development of Child Care Facilities

This is a bipartisan bill that creates three new four-year programs to be implemented by the division of housing in the department of local affairs to support and incentivize childcare facility development. The programs include the childcare facility development toolkit, technical assistance program, and the childcare facility development planning grant program. Each of these programs are created to incentivize and support local governments in identifying and making regulatory updates or improvements to community planning, development, building, zoning and other regulatory processes to support the development of childcare facilities.

The Chamber supports HB24-1237. Strengthening our workforce is the leading priority for the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce. Finding affordable and accessible childcare is a critical challenge for working parents and is a factor for companies in determining whether to locate or grow in Colorado. This bill helps to fill this gap. By incentivizing community planning for family care, we help state and local communities to support and strengthen the local workforce.

HB24-1245 Fair Labor Practice Requirements for Broadband Projects

The bill would add requirements for projects that receive federal money for broadband deployment. The bill would require that these projects cannot give less than 25% weight to fair labor practices by establishing evaluation metrics for applicants.

The Chamber opposes HB24-1245. The Denver Metro Chamber supports fair labor practices; however, the federal government currently has effective fair labor practice requirements in place. Layering bureaucratic requirements on top of the federal fair labor practice requirements will heavily slow down the implementation of broadband projects. Closing the digital divide in rural Colorado is crucial for the further development and empowerment of citizens living beyond the front range, and these new requirements will inhibit this effort.

HB24-1260 Prohibition Against Employee Discipline

The bill prohibits an employer from requiring an employee to attend meetings, listen to speech or view communications concerning religious or political matters. The bill creates a private right of action of employees seeking lost wages, front pay, compensation, costs and attorney's fees should their employer violate this policy. Certain employer communications are exempt from the prohibition, including communications required by law or that are necessary for an employee to perform the employee's job duties. Lastly, each employer is required to post a notice of the employee rights outlined in the bill at the employer's workplace.

The Chamber opposes HB24-1260. The Denver Metro Chamber takes employee protection very seriously. However, we are concerned by the broad sweeping language within HB24-1260. The ambiguous language concerning what constitutes a political matter paired with a private right of action could lead to serious unintended consequences, impacting DEI efforts, volunteer programs with a faith component, and disincentivizing businesses from relocating to Colorado.

HB24-1266 Local Government Utility Relocation in Right-of-Way

A bipartisan bill that requires local governments to notify affected utility companies of road improvement projects and establishes the process by which local governments and utility companies may enter into agreements concerning the relocation of utility facilities. The bill requires local governments and utility companies to coordinate on road improvement projects necessitating the alteration of utility lines. The utility must pay for the costs associated with an unreasonable delay.

The Chamber has taken an amend position on HB24-1266. The Denver Metro Chamber encourages collaboration and effective coordination between utility companies and local governments to ensure efficient processes. We encourage clear and fair compliance measures that foster a beneficial relationship between the utilities and local government.

HB24-1295 Creative Industry Community Revitalization Incentives

A bill that provides community revitalization incentives for the support of creative industries by extending the community grant revitalization program and creating an income tax credit for expenses related to completing infrastructure that supports creative industries and creative industry workers.

The Chamber supports HB24-1295. The Chamber views creative industries as a critical component of Colorado’s economy that necessitates our support and investment. Our priority is making sure Colorado remains a great place to live and work. As a result, we support incentivizing creative projects such as the renovation/development of properties for creative industries, economic development, historic preservation, or childcare centers that enables the state to continue strengthening our diverse economy.

HB24-1304 Minimum Parking Requirements

The bill seeks to prohibit a county or municipality from enforcing minimum parking requirements for property that is within a metropolitan planning organization. The prohibition does not apply to lowering the protections provided for persons with disabilities; preventing a county or municipality from enacting or enforcing a maximum parking requirement; or preventing a county or municipality from enacting or enforcing a minimum parking requirement for bicycles.

The Chamber supports HB24-1304. The housing and affordability crisis continues to be a critical issue. Restrictive parking requirements, such as mandating visitor parking or multiple parking spaces per home, can limit the development of housing, which Colorado desperately needs. As our state continues to invest heavily in diverse housing opportunities and transit-oriented development, we support eliminating minimum parking requirements and enabling the market, and therefore Coloradans, to dictate how much parking is needed.

HB24-1313 Housing in Transit-Oriented Communities

A bill that seeks to increase the affordability of housing in transit-oriented communities (TOCs). This includes providing definitions for TOCs and counties required to adhere to the new requirements to meet housing opportunity goals. A housing opportunity goal is a zoning capacity goal based on an average zoned housing density and the number of transit-related areas within a transit-oriented community. The bill requires a transit-oriented community to meet its housing opportunity goal by ensuring that enough areas in the transit-oriented community qualify as transit centers. The bill creates the transit-oriented communities infrastructure fund grant program to assist local governments in upgrading infrastructure within transit centers and neighborhood centers. In addition, a transit-oriented community is required to demonstrate that it has met its housing opportunity goal by submitting a housing opportunity goal report to the department of local affairs.

The Chamber supports HB24-1313. Colorado’s housing shortage is the Denver Metro Chamber’s primary policy concern. We support increased incentives and removal of barriers to encourage the development of transit-oriented communities. The Chamber will continue to support and encourage legislation that provides an increase in the stock of housing as our state continues to grapple with the impacts of a housing shortage.

HB24-1316 Middle-Income Housing Tax Credit

The bill creates a pilot program for an income tax credit for owners of qualified housing developments focused on rental housing for middle-income individuals and families. Middle-income individuals and families are defined as having an annual-household income between 80% and 120% of the median income of households the same size within their region. Rural resort counties would be defined as having an annual income of 80% and 140% of the area median income. The amount is credited and determined by the Colorado Housing and Finance Authority (CHFA) and the aggregate amount of credits allocated in a year cannot exceed $10 million. The bill also requires CHFA to annually report on the middle-income tax credit pilot program to the general assembly and to make the report publicly available.

The Denver Metro Chamber Supports HB24-1316. Providing pathways to address the serious need for attainable housing is the Denver Metro Chamber’s leading policy priority. We believe that in order to reach this goal, Colorado needs an “all of the above” approach. By providing an income tax credit to incentivize development for middle-income citizens, we can continue to address the critical need for additional housing options in Colorado – contributing to the overall health of our economy.

HB24-1324 Attorney General Restrictive Employment Agreements

A bipartisan bill that grants the attorney general rule-making authority over restrictive employment agreements. Current law allows an employer to recover the expense of educating and training a worker where the training is distinct from normal, on-the-job training. The bill regulates the recoverable expense as other consumer debt and student debt.

The Chamber has taken an amend position on HB24-1324. The Denver Metro Chamber supports further clarifying the parameters by which an employer can recover the expense of educating and/or training an employee to ensure that neither party is taking advantage of one another. However, we are concerned with the current language to dramatically increase penalties by making such actions a violation under the Colorado Consumer Protections Act and allowing for a private right of action. We believe the addition of such penalties will lead to frivolous lawsuits and predatory behavior.

HB24-1325 Tax Credits for Quantum Industry Support

A bipartisan bill that creates two tax incentives to support the development of the quantum technology ecosystem in the state. In order to qualify for either tax credit, the Colorado-based entity must receive a multi-million-dollar federal grant from the Economic Development Administration for the regional technology and innovation program or a comparable federal grant program. Tax credits include 1) Tax credit for investments in fixed capital assets to create a shared quantum facility and the 2) Quantum business loan loss reserve tax credit. Both create a 100% refundable income tax credit. The office and the administrator are required to annually report to the general assembly regarding the facility credit and the loan loss credit and may, after soliciting advice from the Department of Revenue and Quantum Industry participants, create and modify policies and procedures as necessary to implement the facility credit or the loan loss credit, as applicable.

The Denver Metro Chamber Supports HB24-1325. Creating and identifying pathways to enable a strong workforce, and therefore, remaining economically competitive, is the Denver Metro Chamber’s foundational priority as an organization. We support strengthening Colorado’s economy by incentivizing the quantum industry to grow and develop in our state. We encourage the investment in this budding industry through the proposed refundable state income tax credits to help fund the development of a shared quantum research facility for private sector and academic research collaboration, innovation, and commercialization. We believe this investment will help create a pipeline for innovation and strong job creation for Colorado.

HB24-1330 Air Quality Permitting

A bill that modifies the process to obtain permits that impact air quality. This includes clarifying that a request for general permit registration does not constitute having a valid construction permit. In addition, the bill requires that the division of administration in the department of public health and environment or the air quality control commission can only grant permits for certain proposed sources in a nonattainment area that meet certain requirements. Requirements include: 1) the proposed source will not contribute to an exceedance of any applicable national ambient air quality standard, 2) The owner or operator of the proposed source achieves emissions reductions of each air pollutant, and 3) The proposed source is not in a disproportionately impacted community.

The Chamber opposes HB24-1330. Addressing greenhouse gas emissions is a priority; however, this bill will have sweeping consequences on energy production and utilization in the state and would create a regulatory process so burdensome it would grind the state’s permitting processes to a halt. Though this bill is aimed at the oil and gas industry, the proposed modifications to the permitting process will compound existing permit delays, heavily impacting industrial and manufacturing, and even many commercial, operations across the state.

HB24-1338 Cumulative Impacts & Environmental Justice

A bill that creates an Environmental Task Force Office of Environmental Justice within the Department of Public Health and Environment. The bill enables local governments to request the office to impose limits on operational emissions within their jurisdiction, requires the office to develop two environmental equity and cumulative impact analyses for specific geographic locations within Colorado and impose new regulations and requirements on petroleum.

The Denver Metro Chamber has taken an amend position on HB24-1338. While we support reporting that informs practical and effective policy to help address greenhouse gas emissions, we are concerned by some of the less definitive language in the bill and seek further clarification.

HB24-1339 Disproportionately Impact Community Air Pollution

A bill that increases the membership of the Air Quality Control Commission from nine to 11 members, requiring one member to represent a disproportionately impacted community and a climate scientist. Under current law, the commission is required to adopt rules regulating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the industrial and manufacturing sector, the bill would require the commission to adopt a new slate of specific rules concerning GHG emissions and compliance. This includes 1) prohibit GHG emissions from increasing with a cap at 97 million metric tons between 2025 and 2030, 2) prohibit sectors from complying with GHG emissions compliance through payment of fines, 3) establish source specific GHG reduction requirements specific to disproportionately impacted communities.

The Denver Metro Chamber opposes HB24-1339. Addressing greenhouse gas emissions is a priority; however, this bill will have sweeping consequences on all manufacturing and industrial operations. The bill essentially throws out complex, recently adopted rules that were crafted over years, with the State of Colorado and all stakeholders expending serious resources to arrive at the GEMM 2 rules. Additionally, this bill will place an undue burden on our industrial and manufacturing industry.

HB24-1340 Incentives for Post-Secondary Education

The bill creates two separate state income tax incentives to encourage enrollment in higher education. The first incentive is available to a graduate of any Colorado institution of higher education with a credential required or supported by certain jobs identified by the 2023 Colorado talent pipeline report, defined by the bill as "top jobs." The second incentive is available to an eligible transfer student attending a four-year Colorado institution of higher education, in the amount of $50 per credit hour transferred from either a two-year Colorado institution of higher education or earned while under certain enrollment status in high school.

The Denver Metro Chamber supports HB24-1340. The Denver Metro Chamber’s mission and vision is founded upon “putting more Coloradans to work” in quality jobs. In this effort, we support helping make higher education more affordable and aligning this education with workforce needs. Colorado is currently facing a critical workforce shortage; 2.5 jobs remain vacant for every unemployed person in our state. This is partially a result of not accurately training people to fill gaps in our industry. This bill rewards potential students for pursuing Colorado’s most needed industries, providing citizens with strong opportunities and pathways for employment.

HB24-1352 Appliance Requirements & Incentives

A bill that prohibits the sale and distribution of certain HVAC systems manufactured after Jan. 1, 2027, and sets up a process that allows individuals to make anonymous reports of violation of technical standards. The bill imposes new penalties for violation, including a warning letter to the alleged violator and in the case of a third subsequent violation, the attorney general may bring a civil action and seek up to $2,000. The bill also would require the Colorado Energy Office to conduct a study comparing the cost difference between an HVAC system that meets the technical standards and the HVAC system that does not. In addition, the bill creates a $5,000 refundable state income tax credit per installation of an eligible heat pump available for home builders or HVAC contractors. Lastly, the bill requires recipients of state financial assistance for new building construction projects that include energy-consuming products covered by the Energy Star program to use covered energy-consuming products certified by the Energy Star program.

The Chamber has taken an amend position on HB24-1352. We recognize that addressing greenhouse gas emissions is a priority for the metro area; however, this bill places significant penalties and mandates on individuals that fail or cannot afford to comply. We agree that heat pumps are a viable alternative energy source however, this new technology cannot fit all of Colorado’s homeowners’ needs or budget – passing an undue burden onto individuals who are already struggling to stay afloat in Colorado’s housing market.

HB24-1357 Pipeline Safety

A bill that seeks to make changes to the existing pipeline safety rules, requiring the Public Utilities Commission to increase mapping requirements for all pipelines within its jurisdiction, decommission sections of pipeline that have not been used for two or more years, and develop a website for pipeline safety data in Colorado. The bill also makes significant changes to the penalties for violating pipeline safety law, increasing the penalties from $200,000 to $500,000, allowing the Commission to increase penalties based on certain metrics and factors, and beginning in 2026, the Commission would be required to adjust the penalty for inflation every two years.

The Chamber opposes HB24-1357. The Denver Metro Chamber supports the safety and wellbeing of our citizens and agrees that pipeline safety is paramount. As a result, we have serious security and safety concerns with this bill and any requirement to map the location of all of Colorado’s pipelines. Energy companies are already at a heightened risk of being targeted and this proposal would put the industry and Coloradan’s access to energy in jeopardy. Additionally, cost of compliance would be significant and ultimately passed on to Colorado ratepayers, without achieving the goal of increasing safety.

HB24-1358 Film Incentive Tax Credit

The bill adds established payments to loan-out companies as a qualified local expenditure for the purpose of qualifying for the film incentive income tax credit, removes a condition that the credit is available only in years that the amount of state revenues are in excess of the limitation of state fiscal year spending by at least $50 million, and extends the deadline from Feb. 4, 2025, to July 1, 2028, for a tax credit effectiveness study to be submitted to the Finance Committees of the House of Representatives and the Senate.

The Chamber Supports HB24-1358. The Denver Metro Chamber views creative industries as a critical component of Colorado’s economy that merits our support and investment. We support the diversification of Colorado’s economy through continued investments in various industries such as art and film. As a pro-business organization, we appreciate an incentive-based approach that enables smaller businesses to enter what is a historically difficult industry.

HB24-1364 Education-Based Workforce Readiness

Part of the Governor’s workforce package, the bipartisan bill authorizes the Department of Education to commission a financial study analyzing the costs to provide students the opportunity to obtain college credits, industry credentials, and work-based learning experiences. The bill also requires the Office of Information Technology to build the Colorado statewide longitudinal data system to establish a data system to support effective state investments, inform policy research, and assist Colorado citizens in making choices related to their education and training pathways. Lastly, the bill requires the office to submit an annual report summarizing the education and workforce outcomes using the data system.

The Chamber supports HB24-1364. Colorado is currently experiencing a severe labor shortage; our state may have as many as 210,000 job vacancies at any given time with 110,000 residents collecting unemployment. Talent supply, or more accurately talent shortages, are often articulated as the number one concern of business owners in the state as it relates to long term growth, success and sustainability. Given these concerns, the Denver Metro Chamber encourages data-based legislation to help align opportunities to pursue higher education with workforce needs.

HB24-1365 Opportunity Now Grants & Tax Credit

A bipartisan bill that is part of the Governor’s workforce package, the bill focuses on several regional development talent initiatives. The bill creates the regional talent summit grant programs and an income tax credit for facility improvement and equipment acquisition costs associated with training programs designed to alleviate workforce shortages.

The Chamber supports HB24-1365. Colorado is currently experiencing a severe labor shortage; our state may have as many as 210,000 job vacancies at any given time with 110,000 residents collecting unemployment. Talent supply, or more accurately talent shortages, are often articulated as the number one concern of business owners in the state as it relates to long term growth, success and sustainability. Given these concerns, the Denver Metro Chamber encourages legislation seeking to address workforce shortages by scaling and expanding existing programs that have seen proven success.

HB24-1366 Sustainable Local Government Community Planning

The bill would implement new requirements for local government to include climate action elements in their master plans, and would require state agencies to prioritize awarding grants that satisfy a list of criteria described in the bill. A climate action element must include climate-related goals, plans, or strategies and a description of any money from the federal, state, or a local government that a local government has received for the implementation of any of the plans or goals described in the climate action element. In addition, the bill requires the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) to coordinate with metropolitan planning organizations to establish criteria that define and identify growth corridors. The bill also makes changes to the statewide transportation plan, including: 1) an examination of the impact of transportation decisions on land use patterns, 2) the identifying highway segments to promote the development of dense, walkable, and mixed-use neighborhoods in transit-oriented centers, and 3) an emphasis on integrating planning efforts within CDOT to support multimodal transportation, neighborhood centers, and transit-oriented centers.

The Denver Metro Chamber is in an amend position on HB24-1366. Providing accessible and more affordable housing is the Chamber’s leading priority. However, we are concerned about the bill’s approach to prioritization of planning. The Denver Metro Chamber will continue to support effective and practical policy that enables Colorado’s limited available resources to achieve the greatest outcome.

HB24-1367 Repeal Severance Tax Exemption for Stripper Wells

A bill that would repeal the severance tax exemption for oil and gas wells known as stripper wells, which produce on average less than 15 barrels of oil per day or 90,000 cubic feet or less per day of gas. Stripper wells are currently exempt from the state severance tax and this bill would repeal the stripper well severance tax exemption beginning in 2025.

The Chamber Opposes HB24-1367. We are concerned that the bill’s short runway for implementation would leave companies that operate these wells with insufficient runway to adjust to the change in tax burden, potentially having the effect of putting such companies out of business. Industries need appropriate time to adjust to changing regulations, and must have sufficient opportunity for compliance. Additionally, under TABOR, proposals for “a tax policy change directly causing [more than a de minimis] net tax revenue gain” to the state are required to go to the voters, and we believe questions about the constitutionality of the proposal and whether it is compliant with TABOR must be answered.

HB24-1370 Reduce Cost of Use of Natural Gas

The bill would require the Colorado Energy Office to solicit interest from local governments that are served by a dual-fuel utility in becoming a gas planning priority community. Once a local government expresses their interest, this would formally indicate their interest in working with the utility to mutually explore opportunities for neighborhood-scale alternatives projects. This project targets either decommissioning a portion of the gas distribution system or avoiding expanding the gas distribution system. The bill requires the utility to work with an approved community to identify neighborhood-scale alternatives projects in each community and then follow up with reporting on the implementation of any approved neighborhood-scale alternatives projects. The commission must allow the utility to recover costs incurred from the implementation of a neighborhood-scale alternatives project.

The Denver Metro Chamber is in an amend position on HB24-1370. The Denver Metro Chamber supports a free market approach to business, and have questions about whether this legislation could prohibit a Colorado business from choosing the fuel source that meets the needs of their operations. Additionally, it is essential that businesses have a clear path to compliance with all laws and regulations, and this bill raises questions of it will conflict with a utility's legal obligation to serve.

HB24-1373 Alcohol Beverage Retail Licensees

A bipartisan bill that eliminates the liquor-licensed drugstore license, specifies requirements for a retailer to display beer and wine in a single location, and prohibits beer and wine retailers from selling alcoholic beverages greater than 14%. In addition, the bill removes the cap on the amount of alcoholic beverages a retailer can purchase from retail liquor stores. Lastly, the bill outlines new constraints for the delivery of alcohol including, 1) prohibiting beer and wine retailers from delivering alcohol beverages to another person licensed to sell alcohol beverages and 2) removes the prohibition on a retail liquor store delivering alcohol beverages to another retail liquor store.

The Denver Metro Chamber opposes HB24-1373. This proposed legislation imposes excessive regulations, burdening businesses with restrictions on alcohol sales, including limitations on alcohol percentage, constraints on product display in stores, and a ban on retail purchases.

HB24-1379 Regulate Dredge & Fill Activities in State Waters

The bill mandates the Colorado Water Quality Control Commission to establish rules by May 31, 2025, for a state dredge and fill discharge authorization program, overseen by the Department of Public Health and Environment. These rules must focus on minimizing and compensating for the impacts of dredge and fill activities, aligning with federal Clean Water Act guidelines. The Division of Administration within the department will administer authorizations for activities involving dredged or fill material discharge into state waters. It will issue individual and general authorizations, with specific conditions to mitigate adverse effects. Compensatory mitigation is required for impacts exceeding specified thresholds. Until the rules are enacted, the division will enforce existing Clean Water Policy 17 and may issue temporary authorizations under certain conditions, with a maximum duration of two years. Certain activities are exempt from authorization, and the definition of "state waters" includes wetlands. Additionally, the bill extends requirements for informing relevant state bodies and submitting mitigation proposals to applicants seeking permits or authorizations for water diversion, delivery, or storage facilities requiring approval from the United States.

The Denver Metro Chamber seeks amendments for HB24-1379. The bill aims to establish rules for a state dredge and fill discharge authorization program, but concerns remain within the regulated community due to insufficient clarity and predictability. To address these concerns, we urge sponsors to amend the bill for a clearer roadmap, including specifying where the program will be housed, ensuring adequate funding and realistic permitting timelines, clarifying criteria for authorizations, defining "state waters" to include wetlands, and providing exemptions for certain activities. These amendments are crucial to ensure effective protection of water resources and certainty for Colorado businesses.

HB24-1434 Expand Affordable Housing Tax Credit

The bill expands the affordable housing tax credit by increasing the credit amounts that the Colorado Housing and Finance Authority may allocate to qualified taxpayers. The bill also accelerates the credit by requiring that a qualified taxpayer claim 70% of the total amount of the credit awarded by the Authority in the first year of the credit period and claim 6% of the total amount of the credit awarded by the Authority in each of the second through sixth years of the credit period.

The Denver Metro Chamber is in support of HB24-1434. Housing is the top priority for Denver Metro Chamber this session, and the Chamber has supported this program in the past. The program has been successful, and the legislation will accelerate refunds, increasing its effectiveness.

HB24-1436 Sports Betting Tax Revenue Voter Approval

The bill refers a ballot issue to the voters at the November 2024 statewide election to allow the state to keep and spend all revenue from the existing tax on the net proceeds of licensed sports betting (sports betting tax), including revenue in excess of the $29 million fiscal year estimate included in the 2019 ballot question as follows: All revenue from the sports betting tax up to $29 million annually, together with all revenue derived by the Division of Gaming in the Department of Revenue, will continue to be used to pay for the regulation of sports betting, to offset losses to other wagering revenue recipients, and to support responsible gaming, with any remaining money being transferred to the Water Plan Implementation Cash Fund; and all sports betting tax revenue over $29 million annually will be transferred to the Water Plan Implementation Cash Fund for water conservation and protection projects. If the majority of electors voting at the November 2024 statewide election vote against allowing the state to keep and spend all sports betting tax revenue as outlined above, then any tax revenue collected in excess of $29 million annually will be refunded to the licensed sports betting operations that paid the sports betting tax according to a reasonable method to be determined by the department of revenue.

The Denver Metro Chamber supports HB 24-1436. Proposition DD revenues are projected to exceed the $29 million TABOR cap as soon as this year, and every year going forward. Without a change to the law by Colorado voters, any revenues received above the cap must be returned. Colorado has critical, and historically underfunded, water needs. The Colorado Water Conservation Board has put these funds to good use, funding hundreds of projects all around the state, and through this “de-Brucing” measure, the state can allocate additional revenues to vital water initiatives, securing our state's water resources.

HB24-1439 Financial Incentives Expand Apprenticeship Programs

The bill creates a refundable state income tax credit that an employer may claim if the employer employs an apprentice for at least six months during an income tax year and either has a registered apprenticeship program or is an employer-partner of a registered apprenticeship program. The tax credit offers up to $6,300 for 6 months of employment plus up to $1,050 for each consecutive additional month of employment, for a maximum of up to $12,600 per apprentice per income tax year.

The Denver Metro Chamber seeks amendments for HB24-1439. We've supported initiatives in the past that aim to expand and scale registered apprenticeship opportunities through grants and tax credits. While we appreciate efforts to respond to feedback and ease the burden of this process, this bill presents challenges for unregistered and emerging industries to access and utilize this funding effectively. To truly enhance inclusivity and ensure that all industries can benefit from these opportunities, we urge the sponsors to amend the bill. Specifically, we recommend exploring ways to make the process more accessible and user-friendly for all stakeholders, particularly those in unregistered and emerging sectors. This may involve streamlining application procedures, providing additional support or resources, or considering alternative administrative structures that better accommodate the diverse needs of Colorado's workforce. By making these amendments, we can maximize the impact of this legislation and ensure that it serves as a catalyst for growth and opportunity across all industries.

HB24-1447 Transit Reform

The introduced bill makes modifications of the Regional Transportation District, including modifications to increase transit ridership and to promote district transparency and accountability. Other modifications include regional fixed guideway mass transit systems, changes to the current board, creating a transitional board from Jan. 1, 2025, through Jan. 31, 2026; the creation of a new board; district elections and procedures; additional modifications to the statutes governing the board; the creation of a 10-year strategic plan. This bill also requires the district to make its annual budget and other specified budget information available to the public on its website in a format that is easy to access, understand, and navigate. It will repeal the requirement that a person pay rent at fair market value for use of a transfer facility. It will require the department to establish a mass transit bus driver training program; establish the coordination between transit providers and metropolitan planning organizations to propose and implement fixed-route transit service plans; and it authorizes the department to use the money that was designated for the development of the Burnham Yard rail property and instead use it for site preparation, site enhancements, planning, and facilitating a track alignment that preserves buildable land while promoting transit and rail capacity and increasing safety in connection with the development of the Burnham Yard rail property.

The Denver Metro Chamber opposes HB24-1447. The Chamber agrees that changes to the RTD board size and selection process are needed, but does not support the changes to the board contemplated in HB 1447, and has taken an oppose position on the bill. However, we understand that the governance sections will be removed from the bill, and we look forward to seeing such changes so that other language focused on collaboration, strategic planning and support for economic development can progress.

HB24-1452 Airport Accessibility Requirements

The bill imposes a set of duties on each large hub airport in Colorado, which, as defined by federal law, only includes Denver International Airport, for accessibility-related functions. The airport shall monitor the completion and ongoing upkeep of compliance with the duties and functions according to the timelines established in the bill. An individual alleging damages resulting from a violation of the duties required by an airport may bring a civil suit against the airport and may seek a court order requiring compliance and any other remedy available under law.

The Denver Metro Chamber opposes HB24-1452. We support accessibility and disability rights, but this bill unfairly penalizes Denver International Airport for violations beyond its control, as the airport in made up of many separate entities who are independently responsible for their own work. The inclusion of a private right of action risks frivolous lawsuits and diverts resources from genuine improvement efforts. These punitive measures hinder progress and lead to unintended negative consequences. Therefore, we oppose this bill's enforcement mechanisms.

SB24-002 Local Government Property Tax Credits Rebates

Proposed in coordination with Colorado Counties Inc., this is a bi-partisan bill that grants local governments the authority to address community needs by establishing an incentive program to offer property tax credits or rebates to improve an area of specific local concern.

The Chamber supports SB24-002. The Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce is very supportive of the incentive-based approach to address needs of local concern, as well as bi-partisan collaboration enabling local governments to improve and address the unique needs of their communities.

SB24-022 Regulate Flavored Tobacco Products

The bill allows local governments, specifically a board of county commissioners, to adopt an ordinance prohibiting the retail sale of cigarettes, tobacco products, or nicotine products, including prohibiting the sale of any or all flavored cigarettes, flavored tobacco products, or flavored nicotine products.

The Denver Metro Chamber opposes SB24-022. The Denver Metro Chamber is opposed to marketing of tobacco products to children. However, we do not believe state or local jurisdictions should have the capacity to ban a federally legal product, especially as the state grants regulatory authority and permission to products that remain illegal at a federal level. We believe this type of legislation creates a concerning precedent and leads to a patchwork of laws that creates an unfair and anticompetitive environment.

SB24-041 Privacy Protections for Children's Online Data

This is a bipartisan bill from Senate leadership that adds several amendments to the Colorado Privacy Act to add enhanced protections when a minor's data is processed and there is a heightened risk of harm to the minor. This bill would apply to any Colorado business that controls consumer personal data (controller). A controller that offers an online service, product, or feature to a consumer that the controller either knows or willfully disregards is a minor is required to: 1) use reasonable care to avoid heightened risk of harm to minors, (2) conduct and review data protection assessment and maintain documentation regarding the assessment for a specific period, (3) unless the minor parent or legal guardian has consented, the controller is prohibited from processing a minor’s personal data for targeted advertising, selling personal data, or profiling the minor’s personal data, (4) controller is also prohibited from using a system design feature to prolong a minor’s use of the product or, 5) collecting a minor’s geolocation.

The Denver Metro Chamber has taken an amend position on SB24-041. The Denver Metro Chamber appreciates the critical need to protect children from online harm. In this effort, the Chamber supports clear, enforceable policy that enables business within Colorado to effectively comply with amendments to the Colorado Privacy Act (CPA) and appreciates the current stakeholder effort working to ensure that the increased protections to the CPA will not result in unintended consequences in the future.

SB24-050 Colorado Workforce Demonstration Grants Pilot Program

The bill creates the Colorado workforce demonstration grants pilot program in the office of economic development to provide grants to eligible workforce training providers in order to facilitate workforce training for eligible participants.

The Chamber supports SB25-050. The Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce supports investing in our workforce development and training programs. We encourage proven, evidence-informed workforce programs that result in stronger opportunities for future apprentices and trainees.

SB24-053 Racial Equity Study

The bill establishes the Black Coloradan racial equity commission in the legislative department to conduct a study to determine, and make recommendations related to, any historical and ongoing effects of slavery and subsequent systemic racism on Black Coloradans that may be attributed to Colorado state practices, systems, and policies, and to identify measures that are consistent with the constitution to address those effects. The study includes historical research conducted by the state historical society, commonly known as History Colorado, and an economic analysis. At the conclusion of this study, the commission shall submit a report to the General Assembly and the governor about the study and make the report available on a publicly accessible webpage of the General Assembly's website. The report must include a description of the study's goals, the results of the historical research and economic analysis, and the commission's recommendations. After the commission submits the report, the commission shall work with any parties necessary to implement the recommendations in the report.

The Denver Metro Chambers supports SB24-053. The Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce believes that our region and state succeed when we have the full participation of everyone in the economy, and our vision is for the economic empowerment of every Coloradan. Identifying and understanding any barrier that prevents full participation is a priority. Several years ago, our Chamber worked with the Brookings Institution to identify many of these economic disparities in Colorado and in Metro Denver under our commitment called Prosper Colorado.  This bill provides a very similar pathway for even more resources for research and economic analysis on where gaps exist, how gaps are created, and what steps should be taken so that all businesses and individuals can thrive. The Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce believes that economic empowerment for every Coloradan will require concerted efforts, partnerships across sectors, economic and social research, and an authentic desire to see everyone succeed to their fullest potential.

SB24-064 Monthly Residential Eviction Data & Report

This bill would require the judicial department to collect, compile, and publish aggregate residential eviction data for all forcible entry and detainer action by county.

The Chamber supports SB24-064. The Denver Chamber has noticed a rise in legislation that increases the barriers allowing landlords to lawfully evict tenets. The Chamber supports a thoughtful, data driven approach to policy making to ensure we are not over legislating an issue, leading to unintended consequences for our neighbors and local communities. We support the research and study of eviction data by county in the hopes policymakers can leverage the data to craft informed policy and make data-based decisions.

SB24-075 Transportation Network Company Transparency

This bill adds new transparency requirements and deactivation procedures for transportation network companies (TNCs). The bill requires a TNC operating in the state to provide disclosures to the TNC's drivers regarding payments that a consumer makes to the TNC and the amount that the TNC then pays to a driver. The TNC must also develop a driver deactivation policy, describing the TNC’s procedures for deactivating a driver from the TNC’s digital platform and disclose that policy to its drivers. On a semiannual basis, the TNC would be required to disclose the division of labor standards and statistics to the department of labor and employment information regarding transportation tasks completed and deactivation of drivers. Violation of the bill would lead to fines imposed by the division of labor standards.

The Chamber has taken an amend position to SB24-075. The Chamber supports the transportation network companies and their associated drivers that enable citizens have quick and easy access to downtown businesses, sporting events, jobs, etc. TNCs have been closely monitored and heavily regulated since their introduction to Colorado. We encourage a clear deactivation policy and ownership of related data, though we are concerned with adding superfluous regulatory barriers and bureaucracy to an already heavily regulated industry.

SB24-081 Perfluoroalkyl & Polyfluoroalkyl Chemicals

A bill that adds limitations to the use of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl chemicals (PFAs). Current law prohibits the sale or distribution of class B firefighting foam that contains PFAS chemicals. This bill repeals an exemption, prohibiting the use of PFAs for gasoline distribution facilities, refineries, and chemical plants as well as certain outdoor apparel or installing artificial turf that contains intentionally added PFAS. The bill also adds several new goods to the existing product phase-out timeline which prohibits the distribution of products in certain categories on and after certain dates. These products include certain cleaning products, cookware, dental floss, menstruation products, ski wax and textiles that contain PFAS.

The Chamber opposes SB24-081. The Denver Metro Chamber supports common-sense, practical approaches to the regulation of PFAS. We believe SB24-081 is an extreme bill that would dramatically impact Colorado’s access to critical products and goods such as various medical devices and equipment, including PPE. A bill this broad would affect all products containing PFAS of any kind in Colorado such as semiconductors; solar panels; firefighting foam; electronics including cell phones, laptops and tablets, etc. We implore the legislature to take a measured and thoughtful approach when targeting PFAS in order to avoid drastic unintended consequences.

SB24-085 Sales & Use Tax Rebate for Digital Asset Purchases

This is a bi-partisan bill that would allow data center operators to claim sales and use tax rebates in return for constructing data centers. Data center businesses or operators could claim a rebate for construction materials or data center equipment that is specifically for the construction or operation of the data center.

The Chamber Supports SB24-085. The Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce is supportive of the bi-partisan effort to encourage the development of data centers in Colorado. Though data centers themselves do not add many new jobs, they increase capital investment in the state, encouraging further economic development and job creation.

SB24-092 Cost Effective Energy Codes

This bill requires a cost-effective analysis to be made ahead of proposing new energy efficiency standards on or after Jan. 1, 2026. The analysis would use the existing energy efficiency standards and requirements as a baseline comparison and assess whether the proposed economic benefits of the proposed energy efficiency standards would exceed the economic costs of those standards.

The Chamber Supports SB24-092. The Denver Metro Chamber supports the analysis of the economic impact of newly proposed energy standards. The Chamber is supportive of reliable, realistic and implementable climate solutions. However, many businesses are unable to keep up with the cost of implementing the new solutions that are rolled out each year. We hope this bill will help accurately project the cost-benefit analysis of newly proposed energy solutions, helping policymakers consider the impacts of implementation on small and large businesses.

SB24-095 Air Quality Ozone Levels

This bill introduces new measures to address ozone levels in areas that do not meet federal ozone national ambient air quality standards. This includes a voucher program for owners of high-emitter vehicles that have unsuccessfully attempted to have the vehicle repaired to cure the noncompliance, a garden rebate program to increase the use of small electric motors used for outdoor power equipment, as well as expand the existing clean fleet enterprise programs to include light duty trucks, authorize a grant program to acquire clean vehicles and require a prioritization of grants to local governments. Lastly, the bill also requires the division of administration in the department of public health and environment to regularly perform photochemical modeling studies and data analysis designed to determine ambient air ozone levels and the effectiveness of policies for lowering ambient air ozone levels.

The Chamber supports SB24-095. The Denver Metro Chamber is supportive of thoughtfully crafted, data-driven legislation to reach a more sustainable future. In recent years, the state has adopted numerous air quality measures, and is considering additional measures this year. We support the approach to determine the effectiveness of previous environmental policy, so we can make informed decisions as we strive to achieve effective outcomes though Colorado policy. We are also supportive of incentive-based approaches, such as cash for clunkers that incentivize owners of high-emission vehicles to be able to afford better, more sustainable options.

SB24-106 Right to Remedy Construction Defects

This bill looks to make changes to certain aspects of the Construction Defect Action Reform Act. The proposed bill introduces a right to remedy option, in which condo owners and the contractors involved in the construction defects claim work bring in a neutral third party to resolve the matter by either doing remedial work or hiring another construction professional to perform the work before it is taken to court. In order to bring a claim, two-thirds of the actual owners of condominium units must provide their written consent. Under the act, claimants can only seek damages for 1) actual damage to real or personal property, 2) actual loss of the use of real or personal property, 3) bodily injury or wrongful death, and 4) a risk of bodily injury or death, thread to the life, health, or safety of the occupants.

The Chamber Supports SB24-106. The Denver Metro Chamber supports safeguarding homeowners from unfair business practices that could put their home and personal investment in jeopardy. However, the Construction Defect Reform Act’s has led to predatory and unfair lawsuits that result in harming Colorado’s ability to increase the stock of housing, which we desperately need. The Denver Metro Chamber supports making specific changes to certain aspects of the Construction Defect Reform Act, such as adding a pathway for remediation or requiring lawyers to prove damage or harm, which continue to protect homeowners while curbing predatory and unfair lawsuits.

SB24-112 Construction Defect Action Procedures

A bill that adds disclaimers and administrative processes to the Construction Defect Action Reform Act (CDARA). This includes items such as stating that a construction professional is not vicariously liable for the acts or omissions of a licensed design professional for any construction defects and adding a list of requirements in order to obtain the majority approval of the unit owners before initiating a construction defect action.

The Chamber supports SB24-112. The Denver Metro Chamber’s leading priority is to address the housing crisis by increasing the stock of housing for Coloradans. Colorado is an increasingly litigious environment to do business in - driving developers to avoid the risk of lawsuit by either staying out of residential projects or simply leaving the state. This bill addresses a major issue consistently brought up by industry professionals by raising the standard a plaintiff’s attorney must reach before bringing a lawsuit.

SB24-127 Regulate Dredged & Fill Material State Waters

The bill establishes the Stream and Wetlands Protection Commission within the Department of Natural Resources and mandates it to develop and manage a dredge-and-fill permit program for regulating the discharge of dredged or fill material into specified state waters. The program aims to ensure protections for state waters in alignment with federal Clean Water Act standards as of May 24, 2023. Additionally, a Stream and Wetlands Protection Division is created within the department to oversee the permit program's administration and enforcement. Until specific rules are implemented, the bill temporarily restricts the Department of Public Health and Environment's Water Quality Control Division from taking enforcement actions against activities involving the discharge of dredged or fill material into state waters, provided such activities maintain consistent protection of state waters akin to compliance with federal law before May 25, 2023. Penalties are established for violations of permits, rules, or enforcement orders under the program, with fines of up to $10,000 per day per violation. Furthermore, the bill directs a transfer of $600,000 from the Severance Tax Operational Fund to the Capital Construction Fund on July 1, 2024, to facilitate the bill's implementation.

The Denver Metro Chamber supports SB24-127. The Chamber agrees that a program is needed in order to protect state waters in a balanced and thoughtful way, and agrees with the approach of the legislation, which has a narrow scope, is appropriately funded, has clear requirements, and is aligned with the program started under the Obama administration.

SB24-130 Noneconomic Damages Cap Medical Malpractice Actions

This bipartisan bill concerns raising the limits on noneconomic damages in medical malpractice actions. Existing law limits the amount recoverable for noneconomic damages in medical malpractice actions to $300,000. Starting Jan. 1, 2025, the bill incrementally increases the noneconomic damages limitation to $500,000 over five years.

The Chamber is in support of SB24-130. Colorado’s current cap on noneconomic damages is set in statute, requiring that those caps are periodically revisited. The Denver Metro Chamber supports raising noneconomic damages in medical malpractice actions from $300,000 to $500,000, while stressing that caps are critical to keeping the cost of insurance reasonable.

SB24-150 Processing of Municipal Solid Waste

The introduced bill prohibits a person from operating or expanding certain units that combust municipal solid waste and specifies exemptions to the prohibition. The bill also clarifies that combustion and combustion units do not meet certain standards established by state law or rules and changes current law to provide that synthetic gas produced by the pyrolysis of waste materials is not an eligible energy resource for the purpose of certain state-level renewable energy standards. Lastly, the bill also changes current law to specify that methane derived from the pyrolysis of municipal solid waste is not recovered methane that is a clean heat resource for clean heat plans.

The Denver Metro Chamber seeks amendments for SB24-150. Amendments in the House of Representatives significantly altered the bill's impact, raising major economic development concerns with businesses and the Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT). The state would be prohibited from incentivizing businesses using a combustion engine, which could devastate state support for key industries, including manufacturing, aerospace, aviation, microelectronics, and clean technology, and would be particularly harmful to efforts to develop sustainable aviation fuel. The Chamber’s concerns with this bill are limited to the House amendments, and believes the bill should be restored to the Senate version.

SB24-156 College Preparation & Enrichment Program

The bill creates the "Colorado College Preparation and Enrichment Program" in the Department of Higher Education, to be administered by the office of educational equity. The program's purpose is to create partnerships between local education providers (K-12 schools) and institutions of higher education (IHE). The program's goals are to increase the number of students who graduate from high school, matriculate to an IHE, and ultimately graduate from an IHE.

The Chamber supports SB24-156. Colorado is currently experiencing a severe labor shortage; our state may have as many as 210,000 job vacancies at any given time with 110,000 residents collecting unemployment. Talent supply, or more accurately talent shortages, are often articulated as the number one concern of business owners in the state as it relates to long term growth, success and sustainability. Colorado struggles with ensuring high school graduates go onto pursue various post-secondary opportunities, an issue that disproportionally impacts communities of color. Given these concerns, the Denver Metro Chamber supports legislation seeking to address workforce shortages by encouraging the matriculation of students into higher education opportunities.

SB24-159 Mod to Energy & Carbon Management Processes

The bill would prohibit issuing new oil and gas permits after January 2030 and would add certain conditions to any permit that is issued after July 2024 to end certain operations of the well before December 2032. In addition to this, if the energy and carbon management commission determines the operations of a certain oil & gas well are adversely impacting the environment, the commission can issue an order requiring the responsible party to mitigate their impact. Noncompliance will result in the commission suing the impacting party.

The Chamber opposes SB24-159. Addressing greenhouse gas emissions is a priority for the metro area; however, this bill will have sweeping consequences on energy production and utilization in the state, leading Colorado to outsourcing our energy needs, and cause a dramatic hit to state & local funding. The Chamber is deeply concerned by potential repercussions of banning all new oil and gas permits and the economic impacts that would ripple out from eliminating a Colorado industry, including substantial job loss, higher energy costs for Coloradans and a potential $600 million hit to public education.

SB24-165 Air Quality Improvements

A bill that includes a multitude of new emission standards and requirements for diesel-fueled automobiles as well as facilities or buildings that generate air pollutants within the eight-hour ozone Denver/Front Range nonattainment area. The bill also redefines ozone season as the period between May 1 and Sept. 30. Beginning in 2025, oil and gas activity must pause during the ozone season within the nonattainment area. Moving forward, oil and gas operators must prepare several new reports including an inventory report that includes the emissions of certain air pollutants from their operations and a report estimating emissions of nitrogen oxides from the oil and gas operations in the nonattainment area. This report will be used to develop a nitrogen oxide emissions budget to set certain emission level maximums. Lastly, the bill also requires the department of transportation to establish vehicle miles traveled reduction targets for the nonattainment area and to develop policies and programs to assist metropolitan planning organizations to help meet targets.

The Chamber opposes SB24-165. Addressing greenhouse gas emissions is a priority; however, this bill will have sweeping consequences on energy production and utilization in the state. The Chamber is particularly concerned by the compounding provisions ostensibly banning oil and gas from operating for five months of the year, which would in practice function as a ban. In addition, the proposed limits on vehicle miles traveled by individuals will disproportionally impact those who cannot afford to live close to their worksites or afford electric vehicles.

SB24-166 Air Quality Enforcement

A bill that increases the enforcement of violations that impact the environment. This includes establishing definitions for a “repeat violator,” a person that, in a three-year period, has committed five or more violations of certain air quality laws and a “high priority repeat violator,” which is defined as a repeat violator that, in a three-year period, has committed five or more exceedances of the allowable emissions of an air pollutant in a permit. The bill increases the penalties the division of administration in the department of public health and environment must issue for repeat violations from a warning letter or advisory to an order of compliance. The order must assess civil penalties and/or must require a high priority repeat violator to submit a root cause analysis for their violation. In addition, the division of administration may assess civil penalties for air quality violations without going through the district courts. The bill increases the civil penalty minimums for violations by repeat violators under state air quality laws, with specific increases for violations in a disproportionally impacted community. The bill also allows a person to file a civil action against an alleged violator of air quality laws. Current law provides that a person that violates a local government's air quality regulations is subject to a maximum civil penalty of $300. The proposal raises the maximum civil penalty to the amount provided by state air quality laws and requires a defendant to award the prevailing plaintiff any cost of litigation.

The Chamber opposes SB24-166. Addressing greenhouse gas emissions is a priority; however, this bill removes any informal mechanisms for handling air quality violations, eliminating any consideration of whether an individual or business is acting in good faith or unable to meet constantly evolving environmental standards. For example, this bill makes no distinction between record-keeping errors and actual emissions exceedances. We believe that inclusion of a private right of action goes far beyond the appropriate penalties. The legislation would function as a ban, arbitrarily setting emissions limits that are in many cases impossible to meet and setting astronomical penalties while removing the ability of state enforcement to work with companies to achieve compliance.

SB24-174 Sustainable Affordable Housing Assistance

The bill requires the executive director of the Department of Local Affairs to develop reasonable methodologies for conducting statewide, regional, and local housing needs assessments and reasonable guidance for a local government to identify areas at elevated risk of displacement. The bill also requires the director to conduct and publish several different types of housing reports including a statewide housing needs assessment, a report identifying current housing stock and estimating statewide needs, and several directories detailing different components of housing and land use strategies. In addition, the bill requires a local government with a population of 1,000 people or more to make an annual housing action plan, which is an advisory document that demonstrates a local government’s commitment to address housing needs, guiding legislative action. Lastly, the bill also sets up a $15 million dollar grant program to provide technical assistance to aid local governments in establishing regional entities, creating local and regional housing needs assessments, making the housing action plan, enacting laws and policies that encourage the development of housing that mitigate displacement, and creating strategic growth in master plans.

The Chamber supports SB24-174. The Denver Metro Chamber recognizes that the lack of affordable housing slows Colorado’s economic growth, undermines our ability to attract and retain talent, and poses a significant challenge to employees and employers across the state. We encourage a data driven approach to best address the statewide need for housing, enabling the state to understand the discrete needs of each region and how to best allocate resources. Colorado’s housing crisis is a multifaceted issue, and we believe we need to develop solutions across the housing continuum to adequately address it.

SB24-181 Alcohol Impact & Recovery Enterprise

The bill creates the Colorado alcohol impact and recovery enterprise and board in the department of revenue to 1) collect a fee from manufacturers and wholesalers that distribute alcohol within Colorado; and 2) use the fee for alcohol and related substance use disorder prevention and recovery services/programs throughout the state. The bill would exempt small manufacturers and wholesale distributors of alcohol based on production and distribution level. The bill also requires the state auditor to conduct an audit of the enterprise in the 2030-31 state fiscal year and every fourth fiscal year going forward.

The Denver Metro Chamber supports proven and effective recovery efforts for residents struggling with addiction, however, funds already exist to support these efforts. We are concerned about the dramatic increase in funding that doesn’t account for the preexisting programming in this space, target efforts with demonstrated success, or provide clarity around spending goals.

SB24-184 Support Surface Transportation Infrastructure Development

A bill that seeks to build and fund multimodal surface transportation infrastructure projects, including rail projects. This includes imposing a “congestion impact” fee in maximum amounts of $3 per day on short-term rental vehicles or $2 per day on electric or hybrid electric vehicles. As a part of this effort, the bill specifies that the Regional Transportation District (RTD) extend construction and operations of its northwest rail fixed guideway corridor to include an extension of the corridor to Fort Collins as the first phase of front range passenger rail service. The bill would require the transportation enterprise to develop a new multimodal strategic capital plan that aligns with the 10-year transportation plan of the Colorado department of transportation (CDOT) and statewide greenhouse gas pollution reduction goals as well as assess and leverage federal money made available to the state on an ongoing basis.

The Denver Metro Chamber is in an amend position because while we find new infrastructure involving transportation critical, it's important to be thoughtful about its implementation. The bill raises questions around division of responsibilities amongst entities, the reliance on car rental fees, and leaves open questions around what happens with funding in the event that the state does not secure federal dollars. It is critical that the language of the bill reflects a clear path for delivering a transportation system that works for Colorado.

SB24-185 Protections Mineral Interest Owners Forced Pooling

A bill that introduces new protections for unleased mineral interest owners in the pooling of mineral interests by the Colorado energy and carbon management commission. Currently, when two or more separately owned tracts are within an oil and gas drilling unit, current law allows the Colorado Energy and Carbon Management Commission to enter a pooling order, pooling the mineral interests of those tracts, for the development and operation of the oil and gas drilling unit. This bill introduces new administrative requirements in the application, execution, or protest of a pooling order.

The Denver Metro Chamber is an amend position for SB24-185 to address requirements around the affidavit and the proposed shift to personal liability. The bill as written would place personal liability on employees instead of a company, creating legal issues and concerns. Current legal processes are proven to be efficient and effective for Colorado businesses. Changing to an affidavit and subjecting employees to personal liability would create a vacuum in the workforce, making it difficult if not impossible to find employees willing to fill these jobs.

SB24-196 Procurement Source Selection Methods

The bill adds a provision to the procurement code that authorizes an applicable procurement official to select the most appropriate source selection method for a state procurement, even if a different source selection method is specified in statute. The new provision specifies that the procurement official has the discretion, if that official determines that the source selection method specified in statute is not the most appropriate source selection method for the procurement, to determine and use a different source selection method in the best interest of the state, given time requirements, financial considerations, and market conditions.

The Denver Metro Chamber supports SB24-196. This bill grants flexibility to state procurement processes, allowing officials to choose the best method for each situation. This promotes efficiency and adaptability, ensuring decisions consider time, finances, and market conditions. It modernizes procurement practices, prioritizing the state's interests while enhancing accountability.

SB24-205 Consumer Protections for Artificial Intelligence

As introduced, the bill requires a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system to use reasonable care to avoid algorithmic discrimination in the high-risk system. The developer of a general-purpose artificial intelligence model is required to create, maintain, and make available specified documentation for deployers who intend to integrate the general-purpose model into the deployer’s AI systems. Certain disclosures and information include: 1) enabling the deployers to understand the capabilities and limitations of the general purpose model; 2) disclosing the technical requirements for the general purpose model to be integrated into the deployers' artificial intelligence systems; 3) Disclosing the design specifications of, and training processes for, the general purpose model, including the training methodologies and techniques for the general purpose model; 4) Disclosing the key design choices for the general purpose model, including the rationale and assumptions made; 5) Disclosing what the general purpose model is designed to optimize for and the relevance of the different parameters, as applicable; and 6) providing a description of the data that was used for purposes of training, testing, and validation, as applicable. In addition, the bill requires the developer of an AI system that generates or manipulates synthetic digital content to ensure that 1) the outputs of the artificial intelligence system are marked in a machine-readable format and detectable as synthetic digital content and 2) are disclosed to a consumer that the synthetic digital content has been artificially generated or manipulated. The Attorney General and district attorneys have exclusive authority to enforce this bill – and violation of the proposed legislation will be considered an unfair or deceptive trade practice. The bill includes a right to cure before bringing an enforcement action for the first year.

The Denver Metro Chamber opposes SB24-205. This bill aims to tackle algorithmic discrimination and transparency in AI systems, but it faces significant hurdles. Colorado’s economy is made up of a wide set of unique industries, many of which leverage AI. Though the Denver Metro Chamber believes a regulatory framework to provide protections around new emerging technologies is valuable, we are concerned about the lack of state-specific stakeholder engagement that would consider Colorado-based businesses. In its introduced form, SB24-205 will hamper innovation and put Colorado at an economic disadvantage. In addition, we are concerned that centralizing execution through the state Attorney General’s office will lead to inconsistencies with enforcement, making it difficult for companies to navigate compliance. While the bill's objectives are laudable, the Denver Metro Chamber does not believe it is ready for advancement.

SB24-207 Access to Distributed Generation

A bipartisan bill that establishes requirements for the development of inclusive community solar capacity, also known as community solar gardens, by investor-owned electric utility companies. The bill requires utility companies with over 500,000 customers to make at least 50 megawatts of inclusive community solar capacity available, while companies with 500,000 customers or fewer must make 4 megawatts available. Under current law, a utility customer may subscribe to a portion of a community solar facility and receive a bill credit for their share of the community solar facility output. The bill lays out a number of new requirements for new community solar facilities, protections for subscribers of the facilities, subscription discounts for income-qualified subscribers of the facilities, and a standardized format of disclosures that must be provided to prospective subscribers. The bill also directs the commission to establish cost-sharing mechanisms for new facilities that are connecting to the utility's distribution system and reporting requirements for a utility regarding cost-sharing mechanisms and effectiveness.

The Denver Metro Chamber seeks amendments for SB24-207. This bill seeks to expand development of community solar capacity by investor-owned electric utility companies. While commendable in its intent, the introduced bill presents significant drawbacks for implementation. Community solar gardens are the most expensive way to bring new renewable energy online, and the legislation also drives increased energy costs through administrative, development and billing processes dictated through the bill. The Chamber supports amending the bill by streamlining and clarification of procedures and establishment of equitable cost-sharing mechanisms for new community solar facilities connecting to the utility's distribution system to ensure fair distribution of costs and efficient integration of renewable energy resources. By incorporating these amendments, we aim to optimize the effectiveness of community solar programs, ensuring that the benefits of renewable energy are accessible to all consumers while mitigating unnecessary costs and confusion.

SB24-218 Modernize Energy Distribution Systems

The bill mandates upgrades to electric utilities to support state goals and standards, including data collection, cost caps, and customer options for interconnection. Utilities must plan for distribution system improvements, consult with affected communities, and ensure adequate staffing. Labor for projects must meet specific requirements and the bill establishes a grant program for line worker apprenticeships, funded by a transfer of $800,000. The commission will set rules and approve recovery of related costs through a grid modernization adjustment clause. Utilities must implement virtual power plant programs and file plans for undergrounding utility infrastructure by specified deadlines.

The Denver Metro Chamber supports SB24-218. This bill enables Xcel Energy to modernize energy infrastructure and address environmental concerns. By investing in the distribution system and collaborating with stakeholders, it ensures a comprehensive approach to meet evolving energy needs. This bill promotes transparency, job creation, and sustainability, setting a strong foundation for a resilient energy system. We urge legislative support for its long-term benefits to our communities and the environment.

SB24-233 Property Tax

A bipartisan bill concerning Colorado’s state property taxes, SB24-233 makes reductions in valuations for residential and commercial property taxation beginning with the 2024 property tax year. Starting in 2025, the bill sets rates that impact schools and local government entities separately, and introduces a “Ref C” style local revenue growth limit equal to the local governmental entity's base year qualified property tax revenue increased by 5.5% for each year since the base year including the relevant property tax year. The limit does not apply to local governments that are home rule local governments, school districts, have not received voter approval to exceed the statutory 5.5% property tax revenue limitation, or have not received voter approval to collect, retain, and spend revenue without regard to the limitations in section 20 of article X of the state constitution. A local government may seek voter approval to waive the limit. The bill exempts 10% of the value of homes under $700,000 from taxation, gradually reducing that percentage for higher-value homes. The bill also lowers the assessment rate for non-K-12 revenue to 6.95%, while maintaining K-12 property tax revenue assessment rates at 7.15%

The Denver Metro Chamber closely monitored SB24-233. Finding practical solutions to address Colorado’s 2020 repeal of the Gallagher amendment and subsequent increase in property valuations and taxes is a priority for the Denver Metro Chamber. We continue to advocate for practical, implementable solutions that not only address the most recent 40% spike but protect against similar dramatic increases in the future. Senate Bill 233 presents a solution that is better than the status quo, and commercial rates will adjust meaningfully. However, residential ratepayers will not see a decrease in what they owe going forward – rather, their tax bill will not increase as much as it would have. The Denver Metro Chamber believes that there is still work to be done to ensure that Colorado residents remained protected and supported for the future.