8 Questions with Denver Business Journal Publisher Pete Casillas

Pete CasillasPete Casillas joined the Denver Business Journal as its publisher in May, bringing with him acumen for newspaper advertising.  Part digital marketing expert and part news junky, he’s excited to be back in Denver after serving as advertising director for the San Francisco Business Times.  He chatted with the Denver Metro Chamber in advance of A Conversation With, where he’ll be the focus of an intimate roundtable conversation on Sept. 30.

What mentor advice you have received in the past that might be worth sharing?
Casillas: The best way to get promoted is to relentlessly pursue excellence in your current job.

What’s your take on how technology, and social media in particular, is impacting the newsroom?
With modern technology, there is more competition for your attention than ever before. Ease of use or utility, however, is no substitute for quality of content. Social media is still largely about redistribution of content. I’m not ready to call social media true publishers of content—although it may head that way.

How is Denver different from other business communities?
Denver is a big city with a smaller community sensibility. There is a greater sense of cooperation here, and the business community has something of a problem-solving ethos, which is refreshing relative to other communities in which I’ve lived and worked. I think Denver is well-positioned for further growth, and with that will come more big city problems, many of which the Chamber and Denver Metro Economic Development Corporation have identified and begun to build awareness and urgency around. Personally, I’m really excited about the advances made in the technology sector – I believe Denver will become an acknowledged national hub for all things tech.

What are you passionate about in the Denver community?
That it’s a real community. Where there were three to four degrees of separation in San Francisco, in Denver it’s like two, which is cool—it fosters real team spirit.

What drew you to this publishing role with the Denver Business Journal?
We perform a critical role. We are fact finders, storytellers, connectors and advocates. Denver has so much good work going on, so many pots ready to boil—there is no shortage of things to write about.

If you had a job outside of publishing, what would it be?
FBI Agent. Or an archaeologist. I love discovery.

What is your favorite song or band?
U2. Although my best friend is the lead singer of the Airborne Toxic Event—they play the Ogden on Nov. 6.

What is your favorite sports team?
L.A. Lakers (sorry Nuggets fans; it’s been a tough calling of late).

Get to know more about Casillas at A Conversation With on Sept. 30. Click here for more information.

Jessica Schwartz is a programs specialist with the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce.