Three Easy Ways to Save Your Business Money

From office products to workers’ compensation, the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce and our partners are dedicated to making sure you get the best service possible at an affordable price.  When you save, we all benefit.  Here are three ways you as a member save:

  • Colorado Drug Card – This discount prescription card is absolutely free, accepted everywhere and completely confidential. Just stop by the Chamber and pick one up.  You can also partner with the Chamber and offer this as a benefit to your employees and customers.  We’ve partnered with the Denver Public Library, Volunteers of America and The Warwick Hotel, just to name a few. For more information on partnerships contact Alex Rosado.
  • Workers’ Comp – Qualifying members can save 4 percent off their workers’ compensation insurance premiums with our partner, Pinnacol Assurance through our approved agents, Cherry Creek Insurance Group and Arthur J. Gallagher.
  • Office Depot – Enjoy discounts or set up a business account today. The discount card, available at the Chamber, can save members up to 70 percent. The card is accepted at all locations and online. Qualifying businesses can create a business account by emailing Becky Custer.

These are just a few ways the Chamber is working to save you money. Learn more about your exclusive member rewards here, and for any questions please reach out to Alex Rosado at

Dorothy Ostrogorski is a membership representative for the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce.

[Photo by: _J_D_R_]