Chamber Supports 3 Bills, Opposes 5 in 2nd Week of Legislative Session

The Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce has taken positions on eight bills that are working their way through the Colorado General Assembly.

HB15-1065 Regulatory Reform Act of 2015
Sponsored by Rep. Libby Szabo (R-Arvada) and Sen. Tim Neville (R-Littleton)

Summary: This bill would direct state regulatory authorities to issue a written warning rather than a fine to any small business (fewer than 100 employees) in violation of a new rule of the agency, so long as the violation is not related to health or safety.

The Chamber supports HB15-1065 because it gives small businesses an opportunity to remedy violations of new, complicated rules before receiving fines without compromising health or safety.

SB15-064 Application of State Water Law to Federal Agencies
Sponsored by Sen. Jerry Sonnenberg (R-Sterling)

Summary: The bill states basic tenets of Colorado water law concerning water as a transferable property right, acknowledges that the federal government has maintained deference to state law with respect to water rights and prohibits the United States Forest Service and the Federal Bureau of Land Management from placing conditions on special use permits for, or rights-of-way on, federal land.

The Chamber supports SB15-064 because it allows our state’s water laws to be governed locally, resulting in water law that meets the unique needs and challenges of our region. The Chamber has supported similar bills in the past and supports this bill as it preserves Colorado’s authority over its own water.

SB15-093 Compensate Owners Mineral Interests Restricted by Extraction Regulations
Sponsored by Sen. Jerry Sonnenberg (R-Sterling)

Summary: The bill specifies that whenever a local government adopts or implements an ordinance, resolution, rule, regulation or other form of official policy concerning mineral extraction operations that has the effect of reducing the fair market value of the owner’s mineral interest by at least 60 percent, the owner’s interest will be deemed to have been taken for a public use. The bill allows the owner to obtain compensation from the local government for the full diminution in the fair market value of the owner’s interest caused by the regulatory impairment of the local government.

The Chamber supports SB15-093 because it recognizes the private property rights of mineral owners and compensates owners for the negative financial impact of regulatory changes.

HB15-1066 Repeal of the Health Benefit Exchange
Sponsored by Rep. Janak Joshi (R-Colorado Springs) and Sen. Kevin Lundberg (R-Berthoud) 

Summary:  The bill would repeal the Colorado Health Benefit Exchange, which was created in 2011 by SB11-200. The bill requires the state treasurer to transfer any unencumbered moneys that remain in the exchange to the general fund.

The Chamber opposes HB15-1066 because it would repeal the Colorado Health Benefit Exchange, which is supported by the Chamber. The Chamber acknowledges the value of having a state-run exchange rather than participating in the federal exchange.  Additionally, the Chamber recognizes the significant investment that health insurance providers have made to align with the state exchange and understands that repeal of the exchange would result in significant cost and uncertainty for these businesses.

HB15-1083 Patient Contribution to Rehabilitation Services
Sponsored by Rep. Dianne Primavera (D-Broomfield) and Sen. Larry Crowder (R-Alamosa)

Summary: The bill prohibits an insurance carrier from classifying an office visit for physical rehabilitation services provided by a physical therapist, occupational therapist or chiropractor as a specialty service. The bill limits the copayment that may be charged for physical rehabilitation services to 50 percent of what the provider is paid for the visit by the carrier.

The Chamber opposes HB15-1083 because it is a mandate that will raise health care costs for businesses in the state and interferes with private insurance contracts.

HB15-1093 Exemption of Efficient Plumbing Fixture Requirements
Sponsored by Rep. Tim Dore (R-Elizabeth)

Summary: The bill repeals a prohibition that would go into effect on Sept. 1, 2016, that disallows the sale of certain plumbing fixtures unless they are water-efficient plumbing fixtures.

The Chamber opposes HB15-1093 because it repeals bipartisan legislation from 2014 that was not only supported by the utilities, but also by manufacturers.   The Chamber is committed to water conservation and efficiency initiatives, and recognizes low-flow fixtures as a cost-effective strategy for conserving water.

SB15-034 Reduce Finance Charges Limit for Credit Cards
Sponsored by Sen. Jessie Ulibarri (D-Commerce City) and Rep. Steve Lebsock (D-Thornton)

Summary: This bill limits the finance charge allowed on a credit card issued by a Colorado lender to 12.5 percent in the Colorado Uniform Consumer Credit Code (UCCC).

The Chamber opposes SB15-034 because it arbitrarily puts an interest rate in statute, governs a regulation currently effectively managed at the federal level and puts local lenders at a disadvantage.

SB15-059 Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Sponsored by Sen. Linda Newell (D-Aurora)

Summary: The bill clarifies, restricts and adds limits to the types of equipment law enforcement can use.  The bill also creates parameters for individual, recreational, civil and industrial use of Unmanned Arial Vehicles.

The Chamber opposes SB15-059 due to industry concerns that privacy rights are already addressed through existing statutes.  Additionally, we are concerned that the bill is not aligned with existing Federal Aviation Administration regulations and puts unrealistic restrictions on potential law enforcement use.

Click here to view all the Chamber’s positions this session.

Jennifer Jones is the director of public affairs for the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce.

[Photo by: Ken Lund]