3 Considerations When Starting Your Business

Starting your own business can be freeing, but that endless horizon can also make it hard to focus. Follow these tips to stay on track with your goals for your career and your company.

Get to know other entrepreneurs. You’ve done the hard part and come up with idea that solves a need for people. But it’s really only the beginning. What about writing your business plan, finding capital to get your company off the ground and knowing when to pivot? The people who have been there before you are an incredible resource. Get tips from the founders of the start-up aerial imaging company Big Sky Aerial Technology.

Never stop building your skills. Do a little homework. Whether you’re looking to build business leads or boost your creative thinking, Denver Metro Small Business Development Center (SBDC) consultant Nancy Barnett has must-read books for the summer for every entrepreneur.

You’re the director in Your Business: The Movie. It’s not exactly breaking news that starting a business is hard, but ultimately you’re in charge, and you control the narrative. That’s good to remember especially if it’s keeping you up at night like a bad horror movie. With a little planning and help from others, SBDC consultant Wendy King writes, you can get back to reality.

What was a great resource for you when you started your business? Share with our community in the comments.

Sara Crocker is the communications manager for the Chamber.