Mayor Murphy Leads the Charge for Diverse Housing Options

Serving the people of Lakewood since 2007, Mayor Bob Murphy has been a strong advocate for diverse housing options and transit-focused communities.

That’s why he’s been a champion of efforts to reform construction defect litigation statutes in Colorado, led by the Metro Mayors Caucus and a major legislative priority for the Chamber. His dedication to community building makes him our summer Chamber Champion.

Business Altitude: What motivated you to become a public servant?

Lakewood Mayor Bob Murphy
Lakewood Mayor Bob Murphy

Bob Murphy: I suppose the answer is in the question! Local government is true public service. It’s nonpartisan; it’s about nothing more than trying to help make my hometown a better place. There is both a simplicity and purity that is appealing.

BA: Do you have a hidden talent?

BM: For some reason I have always been capable of distilling a lot of information down into what is really pertinent to the situation.

BA: If you’ve got some free time, what are you doing?

BM: Golf, skiing, an occasional hike. Reading … nothing too deep to be perfectly honest. I like mysteries. They are perfect for relaxation. Some TV … mostly major sporting events.

BA: Who has been your most important mentor?

BM: Steve Burkholder, my predecessor as Lakewood mayor. He is a good man and a great public servant.

BA: What is your biggest challenge as mayor of Lakewood?

BM: Being an agent for the kind of change that is essential to keeping our community vital, vibrant, healthy and prosperous. Change can be hard, but fortunately we have great examples to point to with Belmar, the West Rail Line and the St. Anthony Medical Campus.

BA: What impact do you think the Chamber has on Colorado policy issues?

BM: The Chamber is the voice of reason from the business community that keeps the metro area moving forward. Just as important, the Chamber fundamentally understands the critical importance of the private and public sectors working together to keep Colorado’s economy competitive while enhancing the quality of life for everyone.

BA: What advice would you give to a new member of the Chamber?

BM: Get involved in as many programs as you can!

Kathryn Goggin is an events specialist for the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce.