Connecting Community Leaders

Leadership is a journey—and it’s one that is never really done. That’s why the Denver Metro Chamber Leadership Foundation works to support leaders throughout their careers. The Leadership Foundation provides you with the tools you need to be a successful community leader: knowledge, skills, network and experiences.

Elizabeth Norris_web
Elizabeth Norris

Part of the success of a civic leader is the community that they have to rely on. The Leadership Foundation recently hired Elizabeth Norris as its alumni engagement manager to connect and energize its community of dedicated leaders determined to make an impact on our region.

Norris is a Leadership Denver alum with a strong community-focused background with experience at organizations like Ride the Rockies and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society Colorado Chapter.

We sat down with Norris to learn more about the work that she is doing at the Leadership Foundation.

Taking Care of Business: What does being an alumni of the Leadership Foundation mean to you?

Elizabeth Norris: Being an alumni of the Leadership Foundation means extended family and support. It means that I have quality people and quality resources in arm’s reach. To now be a part of the Leadership Foundation staff, working to connect alumni, means that I get to be active in the very thing I’ve enjoyed being a part of these last two years.

TCB: Why does community leadership matter?

Norris: Positive community leadership matters because without it we wouldn’t have positive work environments, we wouldn’t have forward thinkers creating change in our community and we wouldn’t have a thriving Denver community. Leaders support, encourage and empower others to implement change at times we need it most, and with the transformation Denver has seen in the last several years, we need the leadership now more than ever.

TCB: How are you seeing alumni make an impact—and how can alums get more involved?

Norris: Our alumni have made a significant impact both directly and indirectly through community involvement. Whether it’s through class projects or joining boards of directors, we are seeing our program alumni as active leaders in our community every day. The Leadership Foundation looks forward to better tracking the success of our alumni and sharing the stories of the change they’ve created and  how that connects to our Foundation mission. Our goal is to be the network that no one wants to be left out of. We look forward to providing our alumni the tools they need to better connect and continue to succeed as leaders. Stay tuned for exciting announcements about these tools!

Want to be a part of the Leadership Foundation family? Visit for more information. Or if you’re a Leadership Foundation alum who wants to get more involved, contact Elizabeth at

Sara Crocker is the communications manager for the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce.