When we’re all trying to do more with less, improving your productivity can save you time and increase your businesses success.
Check out these four tips on how to be more productive at the office.
Make breaks a part of your workday
It may sound counterintuitive, but stepping away from your computer for even five minutes can improve your productivity. Brief breaks allow you to work with fresh eyes and get your blood flowing. Go for walk, work out or grab a cup of coffee. Get away from your desk long enough to give your mind a rest and come back energized, ready to work.
Chamber tip: Regular exercise improves your productivity. Build in set times during the week for exercise to clear your head, and put it in your calendar to keep yourself accountable. Check out these three tips on how exercising can improve your business.
Minimize your multitasking
Multitasking throughout the day can hinder your productivity. Doing too many things at once can result in a loss of time and cause the quality of work to suffer. You can get more done in your workday if you’re fully and intensely immersed in the task at hand. Make it a habit to finish one task before moving on to the next.
Chamber tip: Real productivity is when you are single-tasking, not multitasking. Click here to learn how to single-task throughout your day.
Create self-imposed deadlines
Impose deadlines on yourself and stick to them. If you budget your time to meet deadlines, even self-imposed deadlines, your work day will be more efficient. Deadlines allow you to have a routine to your work day and reduce stress on long-term projects.
Chamber tip: Deadlines help you achieve your goals. Check out these three tips to stay on top of your goals.
Commute to productivity
Take advantage of your commute into work by letting someone else get you there. Use that time to respond to emails, create a daily to-do list or to simply brainstorm; treat that extra time as bonus time. With a variety of options of how to get into work, you can pick what works best for you.
Chamber tip: Whether it’s biking or taking the light rail; use your commute to be more productive. Learn more about your mobility choice to get into work.
Laura James is the marketing and communications coordinator for the Denver Metro Chamber.