Why Everyone Should Have a Mentor in Business

It’s easy to get overwhelmed with stress at work. That’s why it’s important to have someone to lean on—someone who can serve as a sounding board, give advice and learn from—a mentor.

A mentor could be someone within your organization or an expert in your industry. But what’s important? Building a strong relationship with someone you trust. Check out these three reasons why having a mentor can make you more successful in business.

A personal sounding board

One of the benefits of having a mentor is having someone there to listen. A mentor provides a reliable sounding board and can give you advice. Find a mentor that’s been through similar situations. It’s the “been there, done that mentality.” A mentor can share his or her own experiences in hopes that you can learn from them.

Chamber tip: Mentors are there so you don’t have to do it all by yourself. Check out these tips for what you can accomplish when you’ve got a mentor in your corner.

Grow your network

Finding a mentor can be as easy as asking someone to grab coffee. It provides an opportunity to talk to someone outside of your social network. Once a strong relationship is developed, mentors are more likely to offer their network to you to increase your chance for success. The more people that you have in your corner, the better.

Chamber tip: Mentors provide a unique perspective to expand your network. Grow your network even further at the Chamber’s Net90 on Thursday, July 21.

Increase your employee satisfaction

Mentorship can improve your individual success, but it can also improve the success of your company. Creating a mentorship program can significantly improve your employees’ satisfaction. People who have the opportunity to be a mentor experience greater job satisfaction and a higher commitment to their employer. Not to mention, improved employee satisfaction leads to a more engaged workforce.

Chamber tip: Mentoring programs engage your greatest resource, your employees. Click here to learn three reasons why your company needs a mentoring program.

Laura James is the marketing and communications coordinator for the Denver Metro Chamber.