Taking Gold: 7 Business Lessons You Can Learn From the Olympics

The Olympics are a time when dreams are realized, to watch your favorite athletes compete and join in the not so occasional U-S-A chant. As you tune in to the 2016 Summer Olympics, think about these seven lessons that you can learn from the show in Rio to strengthen your business.

  1. See your success. You can’t take home the gold without having a clear vision for how to accomplish your dream. Have a set business plan to reach your goals and you’ll have a better chance of taking home gold. Connect your vision to your business strategy with the Chamber’s Business Accelerator Program on Aug. 16.
  2.  Have a coach in your corner. No Olympic athlete would be in Rio without the support and training of their coaches. Even the strongest athletes need someone to lean on and look to for advice. Who’s your business coach? Find out why having a mentor makes your business successful.
  3.  Practice makes perfect. Hard work and dedication pay off at the Olympics; athletes train for years for their shot to stand on the podium. Practice your business pitch, hone your skills and never stop learning. These five entrepreneurs have been training to take home bragging rights for being business pitch perfect at Trout Tank on Aug. 24.
  4. Reputation matters. Olympians represent more than just themselves. They represent their teammates, their fans and their country. Businesses are the same; they represent their employees, their industry and the business community. Learn how to put your best foot forward to strengthen your business.
  5. Unite as one. When you tune into the opening ceremonies, there are teams from every country representing one thing, the Olympics. Treat your business competition like the Olympics; you’re all competing against each other, but you all share the same goal – strengthening the business community. Rally for Business at our Annual Meeting on Sept. 7.
  6. Rely on your team. No one can do it alone. Rely on your employees, mentors and business partners to get the job done. Learn how to manage your team through the Chamber’s Mastering Management Program Aug. 17.
  7. Learn from the best. Michael Phelps, Gabby Douglas and Kerri Walsh Jennings are all leaders in their sport. Newcomers look up to them and learn from their accomplishments and mistakes. Entrepreneurs should do the same; learn from businesses that have been around the block and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Hear from the Chamber’s board leadership at Your Conversation With on Aug. 31.

Tune in to the opening ceremonies tonight and cheer on your county. But before you do, do you know your favorite Olympic athlete’s go-to dance move?

Laura James is the marketing and communications coordinator for the Denver Metro Chamber.