Our members work hard every day to make the Denver metro area a great place to do business. We want to keep you in the know about the important work of our members, whether they are opening new business locations, hiring more people or creating new partnerships.
Read about our members in the news:
Shop Sidewalk (Sidewalk), a Denver based startup founded in June 2020, and Denver Economic Development & Opportunity (DEDO) have partnered to support small businesses this holiday season. Sidewalk is currently developing an e-commerce platform dedicated to independent small, brick-and-mortar retail businesses designed to help local customers find and buy products in close proximity to their neighborhoods. For more information on the platform, visit www.shopsidewalk.com.
Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSU Denver) will host a “Fireside Chat” with MSU Denver President Janine Davidson, Ph.D., and Chamber President and CEO Kelly Brough. They will discuss the concept of anchor institutions and how they support the local economy and the welfare of communities. Released in September, MSU Denver’s Economic Impact Report shows evidence of the university’s unique position as an anchor institution to boost the state’s economy and enhance the welfare of our diverse communities. This program is part of MSU Denver’s Executive Update series and is free and open to the public. Learn more and register.