Our members work hard every day to make the Denver metro area a great place to do business. We want to keep you in the know about the important work of our members, whether they are opening new business locations, hiring more people or creating new partnerships.
Read about our members in the news:
Southwest Airlines recently challenged its customers and employees to conduct acts of kindness. From now through Dec. 31, 2021, everyone can participate in the challenge by signing the airline’s Kindness Pledge and committing to doing Acts of Kindness for others, such as delivering a meal to a neighbor, cleaning up a park or sending a note of encouragement. Each signature on the Kindness Pledge and Act of Kindness that is shared on social media using the hashtag #HeartinAction will count toward achieving 1 million Acts of Kindness goal. Commit to kindness today.
VF Corporation announced new programs and actions to advance racial equity. Building on the company’s Council to Advance Racial Equity (CARE), VF is complementing its previous work by adding a combination of actions and programs, community partners and public policy initiatives to address opportunity gaps that Black and Brown Americans face in the areas of access to education, economic equity and environmental justice. Read more on VF Corporation’s efforts.
This month, SocialStreamingTV was named the Best Live Streaming provider in the industry as determined by validated 2021 reviews from the 3,800 members of the Telecom Association. This award reflects SocialStreamingTV’s long-term commitment to technology solutions that work in the Live Streaming and Virtual Events category, as well as customer service excellence. Read more.
Novitas Communications announced the promotion of Krista Crouch to vice president. With over 15 years’ experience in communications, public relations and digital media, Crouch’s expertise comes from a variety of clients in various sectors including finance, health care and government. Novitas is one of the Rocky Mountain West’s top public relations firms specializing in corporate communications, issue management and crisis communications. Read more.
Project Angel Heart announced four new board members: Aaron DeBoer, Heather Miller, Gary Outlaw and Zula Solomon. These new directors will provide strategic direction for continued growth around Project Angel Heart’s mission to improve health and well-being for people with life-threatening illnesses by preparing and delivering medically tailored meals and promoting the power of food as medicine.