Students Are Starting to Plan Their Next Steps
It may be single digits outside, but many students are already thinking about where they’ll spend their summer. Have you thought about what internships your business may have available?
The Denver Metro Chamber’s Prosper CO has launched an internships and apprenticeships section on our Job Board. When you post your openings there, you will find the quality candidates who want to build their skills early in their careers, and you may alleviate the kind of workforce shortage we’re experiencing now.
Prosper CO also advocates that you pay your interns. That way your internships are also available to great interns who wouldn’t be able to afford committing to unpaid opportunities.
What can you do to fill your summer internships? If you’re a Chamber member, you can post your openings to our Job Board. Not a member? Contact our Sales team.
You can also partner with other organizations that can help you create internships or apprenticeships with the goal to hire, like Careerwise, universities and community colleges. For more information, contact Lorena Zimmer.
Build Back Better
Speaking of Prosper CO, we are proud to announce that Prosper CO is part of a coalition of Colorado companies and organizations that is one of 60 finalists for the Build Back Better Regional Challenge by the U.S. Economic Development Administration. Prosper CO will serve as the foundation for the equity, diversity and inclusion aspects of the work.
The partnership, referred to as the Colorado Coalition and led by Innosphere Ventures, is competing to receive $100 million that would go toward developing and strengthening the region’s bioscience and cleantech industry clusters through methods that embrace economic equity, create jobs that pay well and enhance U.S. competitiveness globally. As a finalist, the Colorado Coalition was awarded $500,000 to develop their projects.
Access the full description and proposal here. We should learn more about funding this summer.
The Push for Affordable Housing in Denver
Housing affordability has long been an issue not only in the Denver area, but across Colorado. Prosper CO is also actively working to increase workforce housing options in the Denver Metro region.
We know that homeownership continues to be the most common way to build wealth in our nation. As part of the Chamber’s advocacy work both at the state and local levels, we are prioritizing housing policy that increases the supply of homes in Colorado, with a focus on homeownership for families that make 60-120% area median income.
Read about our priorities.