Talent Pipeline: Meeting Workforce Needs With Youth

It’s no secret that Colorado is facing a real workforce shortage. And with just four years to make up that gap, leaders are looking at a demographic that is underemployed due to basic but solvable education and skills training needs to fill those jobs. They’re called opportunity youth. Ranging in age from 16 to 24, they are not connected to education or work, and there … Read Post

Building Tomorrow’s Workforce

Despite being home to the second-most educated workforce in the country, attracting more new worker —especially millennials—than 46 other states in the union and having a growing economy where unemployment to date sits at 3.6 percent, Noel Ginsburg dreads the day when one of his employee’s puts in his notice. That’s because he can’t find people with the skills needed for the manufacturing … Read Post

Not Wanting to Be Left High and Dry, Colorado Aims to Set First Water Plan

Thirteen years removed, the 2002 drought is still a fresh memory for those who make water their business. It’s a reminder of where Colorado could be with one drought, the pain agriculture and other water intensive industries would feel and the impact a drought may have on a state popular for attracting people and businesses. Add to that pressure climate change, rising temperatures and a population … Read Post

A Site To Behold: National Selectors Laud Region, Offer Tips for Better Business

When you live and work in the Denver metro area—and see the countless economic and cultural accolades roll in for your region—it’s easy to start believing the hype. So just how are we doing, and what are the true selling points, and deal breakers, for companies looking to relocate or grow in metro Denver? Shining a light on how the region looks outside the state, business leaders … Read Post

25 Things You Didn’t Know About Bob Hottman

The incoming chair of the Denver Metro Chamber’s board of directors turned a small accounting firm into a regional leader. And he did it by focusing on people. Just don’t try to tell him that. Because, well, it’s about the people. Click here to read a feature on Hottman, the Chamber’s 2014-15 board chair.  Here are 25 things … Read Post

In the Driver’s Seat: Bob Hottman Takes the Wheel as New Chamber Chair

About a decade ago, Noel Ginsburg’s company was in trouble. One of Intertech Plastics’ biggest customers wasn’t paying bills in hopes Intertech would just go out of business. The customer nearly got that wish. Intertech, an employer of hundreds of manufacturing workers, was “in a dire financial situation,” Ginsburg said. But when Ginsburg approached his accounting firm, EKS&H, the response from its CEO, Bob Hottman, floored Ginsburg. “He said, ‘Fees … Read Post