Investing in Community Involvement

When you think of the business community, I’m guessing the first things that might come to mind are jobs and economic activity—and, we’re glad you are thinking in those terms. Business also plays a foundational role in building community and supporting nonprofits.

As business leaders, we’ve long been engaged in our community—from encouraging giving to creating team volunteer days to matching employee gifts to charity. We’ve had CEOs create organizations like the 2% Club to highlight their commitment to giving, but now, we have B:CIVIC (short for Businesses Committed to Investing & Volunteering in the Community). This is a broader effort to promote and encourage business philanthropy and employee giving across the state. I’m excited the Chamber is among its founding board members. The goal of B:CIVIC is to help businesses connect with the community and give back by providing the tools and support to get started and really maximize that giving. What’s cool is the programs at B:CIVIC are tailored for our business community—from the many small (but mighty) employers we have to the Fortune 500 corporations in our state. Want to learn more? I hope you join us at B:CIVIC’s kickoff party on Tuesday, Nov. 18. Click here to RSVP.

Another great resource for small businesses looking to give back comes from our Denver Metro Small Business Development Center and the Mile High United Way. This partnership has created a unique giving campaign, where those working for small businesses can volunteer and sign up for payroll deduction giving (something often only offered at larger employers). This effort makes it easier for companies and employees to give in Colorado. If you want to find out more and see if this is a fit for you and your business, you can join the SBDC and MHUW at their kick off on Dec. 11.

And, speaking of making it easy to give, you can support nonprofits in our state, including our Denver Metro Chamber Leadership Foundation, on Colorado Gives Day, Dec. 9. This is a great day to celebrate giving, and there is $1 million in incentive funding this year, which will be used to match giving on that day.

Great businesses know that it’s in our interest to strengthen every aspect of our economy. Thank you for all you are doing to ensure a great Colorado.