What Were You Doing When You Were 13?

What were you doing when you were 13? What were you worried about? That was almost 40 years ago for me, but I recall that time well. I spent a lot of time worrying about my grades, getting into college, paying for college and finding a job after college. And, if I am completely honest I struggled with my self-image—a lot.

I share this with you because it’s clear that not much has changed for today’s youth in this regard—this is a hard time in our lives, a time when it’s easy to get off track, a time when we all need a lot of support and reminders of our long term goals. And, two companies have introduced the #DearMe project to support those youth. I was asked to write a letter to my 13-year-old self and give her some advice—you can see what I said to that “yet-to-bloom rose” in the video below.

And, like Google and YouTube, we think part of our job at the Chamber is to empower our next generation. We think that letting our youth know we’ve all experienced the highs and lows of adolescence can help kids today who are struggling.

Our Denver Metro Chamber Leadership Foundation takes this responsibility seriously for us. They run seven leadership programs for our business community, and one of them focuses on college students leadership programs at 12 colleges in the state—the Colorado Leadership Alliance.

In January, we brought more than 200 of those student leaders together with 48 business leaders to talk to students about triumphs and failures in leadership. It was a powerful experience. Below is a video of what I shared with the students about my highs and lows of my career. This is a great way to remind these incredible future leaders that their fears, challenges and hopes are not that different than what many of us faced when we were their age.

Another way our Foundation supports the next generation is by highlighting those who serve as role models of great leadership. I hope you’ll join us this year as we honor an incredible young leader, Marco Campos—the founder of the engineering firm Campos EPC—who is making a difference by devoting his time and company’s resources to help more kids consider STEM programs. The 9NEWS Civic Leadership Luncheon will be held a week from today on March 19 at the Colorado Convention Center.  Click here to buy a ticket and join us.

Kelly Brough is the president and CEO of the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce.