There’s No ‘I’ in Team: Meet the Chamber’s New Board Chair

Our job at the Chamber is really simple: We put Coloradans to work in good jobs.

We have a fantastic group of business leaders who are committed to that goal. Next week brings closure to another fiscal year for us (don’t ask … there is no good explanation to our fiscal year timing). It’s a time when we reflect on our successes, plan for the next year and welcome new board members and board leadership.

Bob Hottman
Bob Hottman

Buckling into the driver’s seat as our chair for the coming year is EKS&H CEO Bob Hottman. He’ll accept the gavel from our outgoing Chair Bob Deibel on Friday, Sept. 11, at our annual meeting.

Here’s a few things you should know about Bob Hottman and how he works:

Man on a mission. Whether it’s growing his firm, serving Children’s Hospital Colorado or ensuring Colorado continues to be the best p08lace to do business, Bob is all about problem solving and advancing the issues and goals of the organizations he represents.

He’s fun, too. From his prolific reputation as a prankster to not being afraid to let loose on the dance floor, what I love about Bob is he knows when to get down to business and when to focus on building relationships and having fun.

There’s no ‘I’ in team. Bob is the definition of a servant leader, and you will see that first hand as your chair of the board. He’s the kind of leader who invites everyone to the table to work, listens to all views, brings out the best in people and drives to solutions. It’s how we do business, and we couldn’t be luckier to have Bob at the helm.

In addition to welcoming Bob Hottman and our new leadership, we’ll also welcome our new board members.

And, of course a big thank you to Bob Deibel for his leadership in the past year. His energy, enthusiasm and can-do attitude led us through a year fraught with challenges and triumphs. Bob challenged us to always raise our hands and be part of the solution—you can see his advice sunk in.

I hope we’ll see you next Friday at our annual meeting so you can hear not just what we accomplished this past year but what’s coming this next year.

Kelly Brough is the president and CEO of the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce.