10 Who Changed Colorado

These past few years we have been inundated with national rankings showing how strong Colorado and this region is in terms of our economy, our smart and healthy workforce, the strength of our small business community and even our quality of life. That doesn’t just happen. It happens because people made decisions throughout history that have positioned our state for this kind of success. This week we focus on incredible leaders who have helped deliver the Colorado we know today.

And, what you will see is these folks are all about getting things done. They serve as role models of the very values we espouse—that we’re the kind of people who roll up our sleeves, put in the hard work, persevere through the greatest challenges, don’t settle and think of more than just ourselves. It’s people like Ellie and George Caulkins, Anne Evans, the Fulenwider family, Enos Mills and F.O. Stanley, Larry Mizel and Ron Williams.

This Thursday, we celebrate these legends at the Colorado Business Hall of Fame. This event not only recognizes the incredible contributions of the laureates but also serves as a forum to showcase these role models to the next generation. We are so proud to partner with Junior Achievement (JA) on this event. JA is teaching critical entrepreneurial skills, ethical values and leadership to youth. They are helping create tomorrow’s laureates.

Here are a few things that inspire me about this year’s Hall of Fame laureates:

Passion for this place. Enos Mills and F.O. Stanley worked tirelessly to preserve our wilderness—and offer us a great place to stay when we want to be close to it. George and Ellie Caulkins have given us plenty of reasons to love where we live, from Vail to our opera house that bears Ellie’s name.

Think long term. Anne Evans was ahead of her time—and she knew what Denver needed to be great, helping develop the Denver Art Museum and Denver Public Library. Meanwhile, three generations of the Fulenwider family have shaped our city, from its first Denver condos in 1959 to one of the most exciting developments today: the Denver International Business Center that will house Panasonic Enterprise Solution’s North American headquarters.

Never forget where you came from. From his success to become one of the country’s top homebuilders to his commitment to the community through organizations like the Mizel Museum or Colorado Concern, Larry Mizel has created a legacy in business and in giving back. Ron Williams has spent his life close to the land in ranching and oil and gas, and he lives the western values that his work taught him. Today he is shepherding the National Western Stock Show into a new era as its board chair.

I hope you’ll join us in honoring these incredible leaders. I promise you will be inspired as you get to know some of the people who make our state a great place to live and do business.

Kelly Brough is president and CEO of the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce.