Leadership Matters

Leadership matters. That’s why the Chamber started its first leadership program over 40 years ago. The Denver Metro Chamber Leadership Foundation helps people learn to be great leaders in Colorado — from young college leaders to old people like me — we all have something to learn. You can learn more about the Foundation’s work at denverleadership.org.
Here are a few leadership resources to inspire and encourage as you start your week.

TED 1Adam Grant: The surprising habits of original thinkers. (Procrastinators: this one’s for you.)


TED 3Itay Talgam: Lead like a great conductor. (A nod to the right brain thinkers out there and of course the importance of the arts in our life.)

TED 2Brene Brown: The power of vulnerability. (This one’s for me  — her perspective on vulnerability has really impacted my own leadership style.)


Check out these three helpful leadership articles:

I’m a big believer that I can and must constantly improve myself — there is ALWAYS something for me to learn. And, maybe that is my greatest lesson in leadership — we all can improve. That brings us back to why our Chamber formed the Foundation. We hope you will take advantage of the incredible work happening there; travel to Northern Colorado with us on Colorado Experience May 5-6, apply for Impact Denver’s Fall 2016 class or apply to be a part of Leadership Denver’s 2017 class.

Kelly Brough is president and CEO of the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce.