Your Chamber Leadership

For more than 150 years, the Chamber has had leaders who have shaped our region and our current board leaders are no exception.

At Your Conversation With, we heard from our Board Chair Linda Childears, president and CEO of The Daniels Fund, and our outgoing Board Chair Denise Burgess, president and CEO of Burgess Services. Kelly Brough, the Chamber’s president and CEO, moderated the conversation.

Both board chairs are fearless leaders who have found the right people in the room to strengthen their leadership.

“I always try to get the smartest people around me – that’s always a great way to run an organization,” Burgess said. “Support your staff so they can support you.”

“Lead by example. I tend to work closely with my team and I don’t ask anything of someone I wouldn’t do myself,” Childears said. “I work just as hard as any of them.”

Check out the video below to hear more from your Chamber leadership:

Laura James is the senior marketing and communications specialist for the Denver Metro Chamber.