Summer is here, and that means you’re likely spending serious time outdoors. We know some of you will head toward one of Colorado’s rivers to kayak or fly fish or even hike nearby. Many of us will visit our local farmer’s market for that fabulous, fresh-off-the-farm and ranch food (Colorado Proud!). And, even if you don’t do any of those things, I’m guessing we will all have a drink water of at some point this summer ?.
And, we while we had an epic ski year with lots of snow (water) fall, we are still the headwater state that feeds a very water-hungry part of the country. And we just have to look to our recent past to be reminded that while 2011 was a very wet year, it was immediately followed by the two driest years on record. And, heck even after all our snowfall this year, Lake Powell is only estimated to be 52 percent full, up from 40 percent.
We also know that water is too important to assume everybody in Colorado understands the unique challenges we face. It’s why we joined with business leaders, farmers and ranchers, members of the outdoor recreation industry, environmental and conservation groups and municipalities with one purpose in mind – to ensure every Coloradan understands what a precious resource water is and to prove that water can serve to help us align our interests instead of divide us.
Many of us worked together to shape the Colorado Water Plan. That plan was built with the input of 30,000 Coloradans and could help us save 130 million gallons of water each year, but, it’s going to take all of us to ensure we put this plan into action and make the changes we need to sustain our water supply into the future.
It’s from these efforts, that the “For the Love of Colorado” awareness campaign was born.
Check out more about this educational effort on CBS4 and in Colorado Sun and The Denver Post. You’ll see more from For the Love of Colorado in the coming months.
If you want to find out how you can get more involved, visit fortheloveofcolorado.org.
Kelly Brough is the president and CEO of the Denver Metro Chamber.