Recent Posts

At Home With the Chamber

SEE HOW OUR MEMBERS HAVE BEEN virtually connecting and look to see where you can engage at NATIONAL EXPERTS OFFER INSIGHTS & ADVICE DURING EDC’S FIRST VIRTUAL SITE SELECTION CONFERENCE In September, the Metro Denver EDC hosted its annual Site Selection Conference – a series of conversations with national consultants who are hired by … Read Post

Member News

Our members work hard every day to make the Denver metro area a great place to do business. We want to keep you in the know about the important work of our members, whether they are opening new business locations, hiring more people or creating new partnerships. Read about our members in the news: Are … Read Post

Veterans Bring Unique Skills to Your Workplace

Looking for ways to observe Veterans Day on Wednesday? Take an action that will have long-term benefits – both for veterans and for your business. Examine your human resources practices to see how you can recruit and hire more veterans to join your team. There are more than 43,700 Coloradans serving on active military duty, … Read Post

Your Conversation With: Your Board Chairs

As professionals in an ever-changing world, it’s even more important to reflect on how to meet business goals, follow your passion and give back to your community. “Your Conversation With” on Oct. 29 provided clarity and insight into how Denver Metro Chamber affiliate leaders have done just that. Chamber President and CEO Kelly Brough was … Read Post

Colorado Voters Decide Key Ballot Issues for Business Community

The presidential election may still be undecided, but we do know where Colorado voters came down on the key ballot issues for the business community. The Denver Metro Chamber took positions on eight issues. While results didn’t go as we had hoped for some issues, we’re proud of Colorado’s record voter turnout. Coloradans cast over … Read Post

Embedding CSR into Your Company’s DNA

B:CIVIC connected with GroundFloor Media’s Founder and Chief Cultural Officer Laura Love earlier this year to discuss embedding corporate social responsibility and employee engagement into the DNA of your company from the beginning. This was originally posted on B:CIVIC’s website. Click here to view the article.   Company Overview: GroundFloor Media (GFM) and its sister agency … Read Post

Member News

Our members work hard every day to make the Denver metro area a great place to do business. We want to keep you in the know about the important work of our members, whether they are opening new business locations, hiring more people or creating new partnerships. Read about our members in the news: Add … Read Post