Recent Posts

Go Vote Colorado!

After months of commercials, debates, op-eds and other election shenanigans, it’s finally almost time to actually vote. If you haven’t received it already, you’ll soon open your mailbox to find your Colorado ballot. Here are a few important things to know to make sure your vote counts. How do I know if I’m registered? The … Read Post

Vote ‘No’ on Paid Family and Medical Leave

We’ve had a long six months in Colorado, in the nation and in the world. COVID-19 has tested us all – personally and professionally. We remain confident that we are doing everything possible to ensure Colorado is on track to recover and rebuild – and most importantly, rehire – from this pandemic. Compared to other … Read Post

Get the Most Out of Your Membership

Our sincere thanks to those of you who recently took our membership survey. The information and insights from this survey are really helpful as we set our priorities and focus for the upcoming year. We learned a lot and a message that came through loud and clear was the more engaged you are through any … Read Post

Statewide Coalition of Business Leaders Sends Letter of Concern to Governor Regarding Potential Oil & Gas Setback Rules

Coalition of Business Leaders Statewide Expresses Concerns Regarding Potential Oil & Gas Setback Rules  A coalition of 41 organizations statewide sent a letter to Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, expressing their concerns regarding the proposal before the Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission for a 2,000-foot setback rule for new oil and gas drilling. The rule … Read Post