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Statewide Coalition Files Amicus Brief in Support of Lawsuit Against Electronic Signature Gathering

A statewide coalition of organizations submitted an amicus brief Thursday in support of a lawsuit filed by Colorado Concern and Board member Dan Ritchie that argues Gov. Jared Polis does not have the constitutional authority to allow electronic signature gathering to qualify issues for the November ballot. Gov. Polis issued Executive Order D 2020 065 … Read Post

Reopening to Chamber Staff, PPP Forgiveness and Restaurant Guidance

Reopening to Chamber Staff  Three months ago, did you ever think you would be working through the details for how to check your employees’ temperature? That’s where this pandemic has taken us as businesses across the Colorado begin to reopen. Some of the earliest suggestions for temperature checks raised concerns. How would we staff a new intake function? What could we … Read Post

What You Said You Need Right Now

We asked what would be most helpful to your businesses and employees at this time, and you answered. In fact, more than 400 of you told us what you needed and there were four priorities that came up consistently: Extend tax deadlines. More than 80% of you said relief from certain taxes, like head taxes, … Read Post

Denver to Reopen with Restrictions Starting Saturday

Denver Releases Requirements for Businesses to Reopen Starting Saturday  Denver Mayor Michael Hancock announced that businesses can reopen Saturday, but with some detailed requirements to continue social distancing and slow the spread of COVID-19. The rules are in addition to requiring people to wear facemasks in public, an order that went into effect yesterday. The following … Read Post