Recent Posts

How Giving Back Can Benefit your Business

A healthy community fosters strong businesses. We all have the ability to positively impact our community – and we have some tips and resources to help get you started. You may be surprised to learn that you don’t have to have a lot of time or money to be socially responsible and give back to … Read Post

This Week in Policy

Economic and Revenue Forecast Impacts State Budget Kate Watkins, chief economist for the Colorado Legislative Council, presented the Council’s economic and revenue forecast to the Chamber’s Legislative Policy Committee this week following the release of their March Revenue Forecast. Both the Legislative Council and the Governor’s Office of State Planning and Budgeting, who also released … Read Post

Take Action on Senate Bill 188

A number of bills our members care deeply about are coming in fast. Last week, I mentioned Senate Bill 181, a bill that significantly changes how the energy industry works in Colorado, but with very little input from the industry. As we continue to work hard on that bill, we have a number of bills being … Read Post

Member News

Read about our members in the news: RETTEW and Mental Health Center of Denver. Our members work hard every day to make the Denver metro area a great place to do business. We want to keep you in the know about the important work of our members, whether they are opening new business locations, hiring … Read Post

This Week in Policy

Mandatory Family and Medical Leave Insurance Bill Moving through Senate Last Thursday, legislation authorizing the long-awaited Family Medical Leave Insurance Program (FAMLI) was introduced and was quickly heard in and passed out of the Senate Business, Labor and Technology Committee on Wednesday. The business community has been aware of this legislation and has participated in … Read Post

Member News

Read about our members in the news: Greenspoon Marder, Red Rocks Community College, OnDeck, KLJ and Colorado Business Group on Health. Our members work hard every day to make the Denver metro area a great place to do business. We want to keep you in the know about the important work of our members, whether … Read Post