Why Culture is Your New HR

We can’t all be Google, but as leaders of organizations we can put company culture in the forefront. In an age of job-hopping and new opportunities at our fingertips, it’s imperative to grow the best and brightest teams within. It starts with two simple things: how you recruit and retain your team. Here are some … Read Post

Four Leadership Skills Every Entrepreneur Needs

Colorado is known for its entrepreneurial spirit.  To excel in this start-up culture, you have to have business smarts, an understanding of your market, interpersonal skills and the ability to set goals.  As you’re developing those hard skills, however, it’s essential to the health of your business that you invest time and resources to grow … Read Post

3 Ways to Stay on Top of Your Goals

One of the most important things you can do as a leader to keep both your organization and yourself on track is to set goals that inspire you.  You’ve probably heard of the SMART goal model (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound), and you can never go wrong by sticking to it. But how do … Read Post

5 Lessons that Can Make You a More Effective Leader

Warren Bennis, a pioneer of leadership studies, said “leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.” But, this can be much easier said than done.  Becoming an effective leader takes time, keen observation, trial-and-error and reflection on your experiences. So we asked alumni of the Denver Metro Chamber Leadership Foundation, which inspires this kind of … Read Post

4 Simple Ways to Market to Millennials

Millennials. Who are they, anyway? Millennials are those from the ages of 19 to 36 who form the largest population (nearly 76 million) in American history and will make up half of the workforce by 2020. When it comes to marketing, this “buzzword” generation is going to drive our consumer relations. In fact, it’s already … Read Post

Millennials: 5 Tips to Reach Your Career Potential

Whether you’re just getting started in the “real world” or you’ve been working on your career for a few years, these simple tips will keep you motivated to take that next career leap. 1. Never stop learning. Grow your knowledge and your personal confidence. Watch TED talks or listen to podcasts while you’re commuting, read … Read Post

4 Ways to Work Your Membership

No matter what your reason for joining the Chamber, there are countless ways to get involved. If you’re new to the Chamber, follow the advice of these four members for tips on how to dive in. 1. Get out there! “As much as we want the best leads and opportunities to happen overnight, you need … Read Post