The Future of Sm. Biz

There’s plenty of positive economic momentum for the metro Denver region, economist Patty Silverstein told more than 300 business leaders at State of Small Business this morning. On track to add more than 40,000 new jobs to the area, a low unemployment rate, a diverse economy and nearly 1 million positions filled by sole proprietors … Read Post

Sm. Biz AI is For You Too

As a small business, you probably don’t think automation or artificial intelligence will have an impact on your business. But take it from three small business leaders who work in the tech space – it will, and now is the time to learn how you can get ready (and make the most of tools already … Read Post

On Display: 5 Tips for Tradeshow Exhibitors

When it comes to spreading the word about what you do, a tradeshow or conference can be a way to get in front of a target audience. That’s why twice a year the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce  hosts Net90 MarketPlace, where more than 300 members and 30 exhibitors come together to showcase their products … Read Post

Capturing Your Market: The Hispanic Population

When you think of your target audience for your business, does the Hispanic population play a role? If it doesn’t, you’re missing a big – and growing – opportunity, business and sales leaders say. Consider the numbers: In the last year, 51 percent of the U.S.’s 2.2 million-person population growth was among Hispanics. Here in … Read Post

Three Ways to Prevent Corporate Stagnation

Congratulations! You’ve launched your business, hired the right people and operations are humming along smoothly. But before you get too comfortable with success, realize it won’t be too long before you need to gear up for the next step of you company: Growth. In order to effectively compete in  the market, leaders must celebrate successes … Read Post