Tom Clark, We Thank You

This last week our Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation hosted its 13th annual meeting. It was particularly meaningful, as we said thank you to Tom Clark and welcomed his successor J.J. Ament. (J.J. officially joins the team on April 5.) We’ve been talking about history a lot this year as we celebrate our 150th anniversary. … Read Post

Metro Denver EDC Annual Meeting celebrates economic milestones, honors outgoing CEO Tom Clark

The Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation (Metro Denver EDC) celebrated notable economic development breakthroughs contributing to today’s thriving and diversified economy at its 13th Annual Meeting and Awards Luncheon today at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts. More than 600 business leaders also paid tribute to the organization’s outgoing CEO Tom Clark for his … Read Post

IT-Software led 2016 industry growth in Metro Denver, according to new study

Growth in the IT-software industry cluster nearly doubled over the previous year, making it Metro Denver’s fastest growing industry in 2016, according to the Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation’s (Metro Denver EDC) 11th-annual Industry Cluster Study released today. The study, completed by the Metro Denver EDC’s Chief Economist Patty Silverstein and Senior Economist Lisa Strunk of Development Research … Read Post

Share Economic Forecast: Metro Denver economy to thrive in 2017 due to its strength and diversity

The strength and diversity of Metro Denver’s economy will ensure the region continues to thrive in the upcoming year, according to the 2017 Metro Denver Economic Forecast presented today at Vectra Bank‘s 24th Annual Economic Forecast breakfast. The event took place at the Marriott City Center. Patty Silverstein, chief economist for the Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation (Metro Denver EDC), presented the … Read Post

BP’s lower 48 business to establish headquarters in Colorado

BP’s U.S. Lower 48 onshore business announced today it will establish its headquarters in Denver to be closer to its substantial asset position in the Rocky Mountain region and an important energy hub of the future. The move highlights Lower 48’s continued momentum despite the current challenging energy price environment. It also marks a return … Read Post

Share Resource Rich Colorado report highlights assets and opportunities in state’s energy economy

The Colorado Energy Coalition (CEC), an industry affiliate of the Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation (Metro Denver EDC), today released its annual study measuring Colorado’s competitive position in the oil, natural gas, coal, renewable energy, alternative-fuel vehicles, and sustainability sectors of the energy industry. The eighth edition of Resource Rich Colorado (RRC) compares Colorado to the 49 other states based on the … Read Post