Metro Denver poised to be major player in mobility revolution

Today, the Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation and the Metro Denver Aviation Coalition hosted The Future of Metro Mobility: Planes, Trains & (Self-Driving) Automobiles at the Seawell Grand Ballroom of the Denver Center for the Performing Arts. The luncheon program was presented by Arrow Electronics. Attended by more than 400 area business, economic development, and … Read Post

Making Colorado Mobile

How will you get to work 10 years from now? If the last few years and the changes brought on by the advances in technology are any indication, we have no idea—except you may be saying, “Beam me up, Scotty,” more often. What we do know is that Colorado wants to be a leader in … Read Post

This Week In Policy: Slowing Growth In Latest Economic Outlook

This week the Chamber’s Legislative Policy Committee heard directly from Henry Sobanet, the director of the Governor’s Office of State Planning and Budgeting on the most recent economic outlook for the state. Published last Friday, the report shows scaled-back growth of the economy. It is estimated state revenue will grow just 1.5 percent this fiscal … Read Post

Metro Denver EDC Celebrates 30 years of Regional Cooperation at Annual Meeting

Yesterday, the Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation (Metro Denver EDC) celebrated Metro Denver’s role in leading the “Regionalism Revolution” at its 12th Annual Meeting and Awards Luncheon at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts. Following the oil and real estate bust in the early 1980s, Metro Denver’s economic development leaders determined that the region’s … Read Post

2 Ways Denver is Moving the Economy Forward

What does the future look like for the Denver metro area, and how are chambers playing a role? Jeff Barratt, executive director of Emily Griffith Technical College, sat down on Education Matters with Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Kelly Brough and Asian Chamber of Commerce  President and CEO Clarence Low to answer … Read Post

Maintaining a Healthy Economy in Colorado 

We don’t take positions on policy issues that affect Colorado lightly. We gather a broad group to understand the issue, we seek feedback from differing views, we look at the experience of others who have gone before us, we engage our members to ensure we understand the implications of the policy from their perspective and … Read Post

Talent Pipeline: Meeting Workforce Needs With Youth

It’s no secret that Colorado is facing a real workforce shortage. And with just four years to make up that gap, leaders are looking at a demographic that is underemployed due to basic but solvable education and skills training needs to fill those jobs. They’re called opportunity youth. Ranging in age from 16 to 24, they are not connected to education or work, and there … Read Post