Powering Our Economy and Our Country

When we talk about working together in Colorado, the energy industry is often at the top of our list. You only have to consider how hard they have worked to produce clean burning natural gas while upholding some of the most stringent environmental regulations in the country. Or, that they led efforts to avoid costly … Read Post

A River Runs Through It

A river runs through it—IT being every aspect of Colorado’s economy. This resource literally feeds us through our agriculture industry, it brings tourism dollars to our state through our recreation industries, it powers our commercial and manufacturing organizations—it sustains our lives.  And, the water that flows from Colorado delivers that same economic opportunity to the … Read Post

How Colorado Competes

In just 11 years, Colorado went from 49th in job growth to third. If that doesn’t show the grit of Coloradans to roll up their sleeves, work hard and innovate to move our economy forward, I don’t know what does. That’s one of the findings in the 10th edition of the Metro Denver Economic Development … Read Post

Global site consultants tour region, discuss Metro Denver’s competitiveness and opportunities for corporate expansions

DENVER – Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2014 – Nine global site selection consultants attended the Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation’s (Metro Denver EDC) annual Site Selection Conference, Sept. 17-19, 2014. The event was coordinated in partnership with the Metro Denver EDC’s investors and economic development partners throughout the nine-county Metro Denver and Northern Colorado region. Over the three-day familiarization … Read Post