An Opportunity for All Coloradans

Immigration is a topic that’s been top of mind for our businesses for years – and for good reason. As we rallied out of the recession and today have historically low rates of unemployment, we need all hands on deck. That’s why we were shocked to see last week that the federal administration would turn … Read Post

State of the City: Tapping Into Opportunity

With an unemployment rate of 2.3 percent (the lowest since Colorado’s been measuring it), Denver is faced with new challenges and opportunities for its workforce and its economy. Denver Mayor Michael B. Hancock spoke of the challenges and his vision for the future at the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce’s State of the City this … Read Post

Connecting You to the World

We are connected! And, not just through our smartphones. Denver International Airport can get you where you want to go “in-person” in the world! Every time DEN pins down a new stop, it’s adding real money to our economy by bringing the world closer to us. Our airport team has been busy, announcing new and … Read Post

CO’s Outdoor Industry: It’s Big Biz

One of the reasons we all love Colorado is because we like to spend as much time as possible in the great outdoors — and we all know that Colorado has some of the best outdoor experiences in the world. You can find us riding our bikes, sitting on a patio, snowshoeing and skiing, walking … Read Post

All Aboard: First Train Arrives in Denver

Today marks a day of celebration not only for the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce, but for the Denver business community: It’s the day that the first locomotive arrived in Denver in 1870 after years of hard work to connect the city to the rest of the nation. And, as the Chamber celebrates its 150th … Read Post

Breaking Ground on CO’s Housing 

In our economics class, we all learned that a very effective way to address the cost of something is to increase its supply. To that end, we got some great news last week for condo-seekers in the metro area: The Colorado Supreme Court upheld the ruling of the Colorado Court of Appeals last Monday that homeowner’s … Read Post