(TED) Talking Water and Innovation

By 2050, global water demand is projected to increase by 55 percent. Here in Colorado, we face a shortfall of more than a half-million acre feet in water because of our growing population. How can we address our challenges locally and beyond? The Chamber, in partnership with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, is talking how … Read Post

Board Chairs’ Lessons in Leadership

Over 150 years of doing business in Colorado, the Denver Metro Chamber has had exceptional leaders paving the way for the business community and our members to make a difference in the community. Our board chair Denise Burgess, president and CEO of Burgess Services, and our past board chair Todd Munson, executive vice president and … Read Post

3 Things to Ask Yourself Before Sponsoring an Event

Event sponsorship can be a valuable way to position your company not just as a leader in your field but as a leader in the community. At the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce, we offer over 40 events and trainings that dray 9,500 business leaders each year.  Before signing on the dotted line for any … Read Post

Nine site selectors tour Metro Denver

Nine global site selection consultants attended the Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation‘s (Metro Denver EDC) annual Site Selection Conference, Sept. 13-15, 2017. The event was coordinated in partnership with the Metro Denver EDC’s investors and economic development partners throughout the nine-county Metro Denver and Northern Colorado region. Over the three-day familiarization tour, the site selectors experienced the region’s business assets first-hand with … Read Post

Chamber Celebrates Past and Future at 2017 Annual Meeting

The Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce celebrated 150 years of doing business in Colorado at its 133rd   Annual Meeting this afternoon. The Chamber was started in 1867 to bring a rail spur from the Transcontinental Railroad to Denver from Cheyenne, an accomplishment that transformed the future of our region. Today, Chamber President and CEO Kelly … Read Post

Denver Metro Chamber celebrates first African-American board chair, 150th anniversary at Annual Meeting

The Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce and nearly 1,000 business leaders will welcome Denise Burgess as the organization’s first African-American to chair the board of directors at its 133rd annual meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 6. WHAT: The Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting. WHO: Outgoing Chamber board of directors Chair Todd Munson, executive vice … Read Post

The Chamber Houses the First Public Library

Today marks the opening of the first public library in Denver in 1884. Chamber leaders aimed to attract well-read and educated citizens as well as promote local businesses and banks. Thus, Denver’s first library was born. That first public library was hosted in the shiny new building on the 4th floor of the Chamber of … Read Post