Making Uncertainty Certain

Bad news is often easier to manage than uncertainty. At least you know what you are facing and can begin to plan for it. This is the second session where we have asked legislators to reauthorize the hospital provider fee as an enterprise fund. During last year’s session we were asked to hold our proposal … Read Post

Maintaining a Healthy Economy in Colorado 

We don’t take positions on policy issues that affect Colorado lightly. We gather a broad group to understand the issue, we seek feedback from differing views, we look at the experience of others who have gone before us, we engage our members to ensure we understand the implications of the policy from their perspective and … Read Post

We Stand Against Amendment 69

Time and again in our history, we’ve joined with the business, nonprofit and public sectors to successfully engage on ballot issues of significant impact to Colorado’s economic vitality. Earlier this week, we committed to develop a campaign to defeat Amendment 69, ColoradoCare (single payer health care). Amendment 69, termed ColoradoCare by proponents, is a tax … Read Post

3 Easy Ways to Make Your Office Greener

From Colorado’s cleantech industry to building the second-most green buildings in the U.S., being green seems to be in this state’s DNA. So it’s no surprise that it’s in the business community’s DNA, too. Since completing its interior and exterior renovations, the Chamber has been named an Energy Star-rated building, achieved LEED Silver certification, joined … Read Post

Stay Healthy, Colorado

I have some bad news about our health, and you might want to stand up for it. You’ve no doubt heard the line: “sitting is the new smoking.” So while you’re standing, I’ll start with some good news: We continue to be the most active, fittest and trimmest state in the nation. The bad news: … Read Post

Challenges that Make Us Stronger

This week Colorado welcomes the USA Pro Challenge back for another exciting ride around the state. As we watch these cyclists cruise through the peaks and valleys of Colorado, it reminds me of few things: I’ve had the chance to ride with a lot of strong cyclists and, by comparison to the riders in the … Read Post