3 Ways to Hurt Our Economy

Crossing aisles to find solutions like we do in Colorado isn’t always easy. It can be time consuming and requires a real desire to collaborate. It means everybody has to resist the temptation to single out groups or people or make statements that serve the interests of a few. We work this way because it … Read Post

Mastering Management: Using Criticism and Feedback to Grow as a Leader

When new leaders and managers are faced with criticism of their organization or them­selves, we find too frequently the impulsive reaction to dismiss that criticism, squash the negativity and perhaps fire those negative people. Great leadership requires getting beyond the initial shock of friends and former peers calling you out for ideas and behavior that … Read Post

Giving a Voice to Every Coloradan

Colorado has always been known for its independent streak—it’s something we’re proud of. We are independent in so many ways, including our party affiliations. As a matter of fact, unaffiliated, or independent, voters make up the largest voting group in the state (37 percent) and Colorado holds the top spot in the nation for growth in unaffiliated … Read Post

Making Colorado Mobile

How will you get to work 10 years from now? If the last few years and the changes brought on by the advances in technology are any indication, we have no idea—except you may be saying, “Beam me up, Scotty,” more often. What we do know is that Colorado wants to be a leader in … Read Post

Webb Weaves Community Engagement in Business

As managing partner at BKD CPA & Advisors and former board chair of the Denver Metro Chamber Leadership Foundation board of directors, Webb knows a thing or two about balancing work and community engagement. Webb’s selfless attitude and commitment make him our spring Chamber Champion. Take a minute to get to know this outstanding leader better. BUSINESS ALTITUDE: How … Read Post

Connecting Community Leaders

Leadership is a journey—and it’s one that is never really done. That’s why the Denver Metro Chamber Leadership Foundation works to support leaders throughout their careers. The Leadership Foundation provides you with the tools you need to be a successful community leader: knowledge, skills, network and experiences. Part of the success of a civic leader … Read Post

9NEWS Leader of the Year Ryan Ross: ‘People Believed in Me Before I Believed in Myself’

In 1993, the year of Denver’s “summer of violence,” there were 74 homicides in the city. It created a panic around the state about the impact of gang activity. As a young man growing up in an East Denver housing project, Dr. Ryan Ross was right in the middle of it and he wanted to get out. With relatives in conflicting gangs, fear of association … Read Post