Healthy Minds, Healthy Business 

Did you know that May is Mental Health Month? The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services estimates that 43.8 million adults experienced a mental illness in a given year. That translates to nearly one in 25 adults in the U.S. The economic, social and human tolls related to mental health issues are staggering—costing U.S. … Read Post

Making Change Together

Just last week, the Colorado Supreme Court determined that the local fracking bans in Fort Collins and Longmont are in violation of state law. What this means is that oil and gas will continue to be governed on a statewide level, which is the right call. Colorado should not replace what are the most stringent … Read Post

Leadership Matters

Leadership matters. That’s why the Chamber started its first leadership program over 40 years ago. The Denver Metro Chamber Leadership Foundation helps people learn to be great leaders in Colorado — from young college leaders to old people like me — we all have something to learn. You can learn more about the Foundation’s work at Here are … Read Post

We Paint Outside the Lines in CO

There’s plenty to love about living in Colorado, from our amazing outdoors to our fantastic pro sports to our exceptional and world renowned arts and cultural venues. But you already knew that. Over half of you reading this likely attended a live performing arts event in the last year and almost 60 percent of you … Read Post

Making Uncertainty Certain

Bad news is often easier to manage than uncertainty. At least you know what you are facing and can begin to plan for it. This is the second session where we have asked legislators to reauthorize the hospital provider fee as an enterprise fund. During last year’s session we were asked to hold our proposal … Read Post