On the Move

When things are going great, we think you should work even harder to maintain those successes and overcome challenges.  Lately we’ve had plenty of good news. We’re still leading the pack. When compared to other metro areas, we are number one for economic and job growth. There are a lot reasons for this—we have a … Read Post

4 Steps to Building Leadership Skills

Believe it or not, leadership can be taught. It’s not that different from those “hard skills” you’ve mastered in your career. Here are four pieces of advice from metro area leaders on how to build your skills as a leader: Get—and Stay—on Track. As a leader you’re no doubt working on personal goals and driving … Read Post

5 Questions for Better Collaboration

Our region’s business community is collaborative to its core.  That collaborative spirit seems innate, but it’s actually a skill that must be learned and practiced to get to the next level.  Effective collaboration often ends with finding innovative solutions as a team, but it always starts with the self. Here are five questions to prepare … Read Post

What Makes a Community Healthy?

When it comes to being healthy, economic opportunity plays a big role. Everything from the type of job you have, to the transportation options available to you, to how walkable your community is to access to healthy food options all play a big role in creating a healthy and productive workforce. It’s so important that the … Read Post

Your Summer Reader: 7 Books for Better Business

Over nearly five years I’ve had the opportunity to consult and teach 100s of entrepreneurs and small business owners. In that time I’ve discovered two things. First, most of us (including me) were taught to be employees, not small business owners or entrepreneurs. And second, successful entrepreneurs and small business owners realize “they don’t know” … Read Post

The Keys to Collaboration

What do projects like FasTracks, the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District, 13 new, relocated or expanded company headquarters in just one year and the Denver International Airport (DIA) have in common? Regionalism. Not one of these transformative projects would have come to fruition without it. Just last week Denver and Adams County officials announced an agreement to … Read Post