Leadership Landscape: The Keys to Keeping an Employee

When you’re in charge, making sure your employees are engaged and productive is a key priority. And, if you’re getting a handle on a new role or a new community, it can be a tough balance. For executives who are new to their roles, new to the area or simply looking to learn more about the civic … Read Post

A River Runs Through It

A river runs through it—IT being every aspect of Colorado’s economy. This resource literally feeds us through our agriculture industry, it brings tourism dollars to our state through our recreation industries, it powers our commercial and manufacturing organizations—it sustains our lives.  And, the water that flows from Colorado delivers that same economic opportunity to the … Read Post

Chamber Champion: Beeble Sets the Bar

John Beeble is no stranger to hard work. Spending more than 30 years in the Denver metro area’s construction world, Beeble is chairman and CEO of Saunders Construction. With that experience in hand, Beeble was instrumental in leading the Chamber through its recent remodel. He has served as chair of the Chamber board of directors and the Metro … Read Post

Relationships Key at Business Base Camps

When the legislative session kicks off in January, it’s easy for folks under the dome to get swept up in a flurry of negotiations and political posturing. After all, lawmakers only have 120 days to advocate for their constituents on issues from education reform to transportation funding to health insurance. Moving a mile a minute makes it hard for legislators … Read Post

How Colorado Competes

In just 11 years, Colorado went from 49th in job growth to third. If that doesn’t show the grit of Coloradans to roll up their sleeves, work hard and innovate to move our economy forward, I don’t know what does. That’s one of the findings in the 10th edition of the Metro Denver Economic Development … Read Post

Investing in Community Involvement

When you think of the business community, I’m guessing the first things that might come to mind are jobs and economic activity—and, we’re glad you are thinking in those terms. Business also plays a foundational role in building community and supporting nonprofits. As business leaders, we’ve long been engaged in our community—from encouraging giving to … Read Post