This Week in Policy

Compromise Reached on Construction Defect Reform Work After many hours of negotiation, a compromise has been reached on House Bill 1279, a bipartisan effort that would require informed consent and a majority vote of owners before entering into litigation over a construction defect, two issues identified by the Chamber as crucial to addressing the lack … Read Post

Planning for the Future Today

As we celebrate 150 years of the Chamber, you all keep asking us the unreasonable question, what will the next 150 years look like for Colorado? Our answer is based on our history, where we’ve gone from using carriages to seeing driverless cars, from handwritten notes to smartphones, from the Pony Express to instant messaging. … Read Post

This Week in Policy

Transportation Infrastructure Funding Passes Committee Earlier this week, our President and CEO Kelly Brough joined partners from across the state to testify in support of House Bill 1242, this time in the Senate Transportation Committee. The bill, which would refer a .5 percent sales and use tax increase for transportation infrastructure and mobility investment to … Read Post

150 Years of History on Display

When you’re in one place for a while you acquire a lot of stuff. And after 150 years of doing business in Colorado, the leaders of the Chamber have saved photos, letters and telegrams and even hand-written notes that document our work since 1867. Many of those documents have been stored at the Denver Public … Read Post

This Week In Policy

Implementing the Colorado Water Plan This week the Chamber supported three bills that implement parts of the Colorado Water Plan—a first-of-its-kind document for the state to plan for Colorado’s future water needs. In 2015, before the water plan was finalized, the Chamber worked with the business community to outline five strategies to address water supply … Read Post

This Week In Policy

Second TABOR Reform Bill Introduced Another opportunity to address a years-long Chamber priority to free up general funds for education and transportation surfaced in the Senate this week. Senate Bill 267 would, among other things, move the hospital provider fee (HPF) to an enterprise fund, a solution we have advocated for over several sessions because … Read Post

Tom Clark, We Thank You

This last week our Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation hosted its 13th annual meeting. It was particularly meaningful, as we said thank you to Tom Clark and welcomed his successor J.J. Ament. (J.J. officially joins the team on April 5.) We’ve been talking about history a lot this year as we celebrate our 150th anniversary. … Read Post