Trip to Salt Lake Inspires Interest in Bringing Skills, Mentoring Program to Denver

Understanding motivation—why someone makes a certain choice—is not the first step toward creating meaningful social change. Instead, developing the skills needed to change comes first. It was a provocative idea put forth to delegates of the Leadership Exchange last week by Joseph Grenny, the social scientist known for his bestselling book Influence: The New Science … Read Post

These 5 Tech Leaders Are Working to Connect Communities

A costume dance party at Denver’s Fort Greene Bar brought to an end one of the best weeks of the year: Denver Startup Week. For five days, from sunup to sundown, entrepreneurs, innovators, and thought leaders came together to spur one another on toward better Denver businesses. 200 free events – ranging from seminars to … Read Post

Diversity: Your Company’s Competitive Advantage

You’ve heard the phrase that two heads are better than one, but what if those two people were from different cultural backgrounds, genders, sexual orientations, ethnicities, political affiliations or beliefs? Diversity in your company is a competitive advantage. In fact, ethnically diverse teams outperform non-diverse ones by 35 percent, and companies that are in the … Read Post

NationSearch Helps Employers Make the Right Hire

Who you hire can determine the success of your company; they influence your company culture, productivity and ultimately drive revenue. How can you look beyond an interviewee’s résumé and do your homework to make sure your hiring the right person for the job? We sat down with NationSearch’s Brenda Lund, chief development officer, and Andrew … Read Post

Your Guide to the 2016 Ballot

The November ballot is set and as we all expected, there will be plenty to vote on. Our advice is get comfortable, bring sustenance (that’s food and water), because it’s going to take a while to get to the end of that ballot.  And, we NEED every voter to go all the way to end. … Read Post

Marketing in a Digital World

We’re all a little tech crazy, so if you want to get your business in front of a new audience, digital marketing seems like a no brainer. Easier said than done. How do business owners without a marketing background or a digital native millennial on call take advantage of the everchanging digital market? Though social media consumption is at an all-time high, social platforms are actually making it … Read Post

Global site consultants tour region, discuss infrastructure, talent and competitiveness

Nine global site selection consultants attended the Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation‘s (Metro Denver EDC) annual Site Selection Conference, Sept. 14-16, 2016. The event was coordinated in partnership with the Metro Denver EDC’s investors and economic development partners throughout the nine-county Metro Denver and Northern Colorado region. Over the three-day familiarization tour, the site selectors experienced the region’s business … Read Post