8 Questions with Denver Business Journal Publisher Pete Casillas

Pete Casillas joined the Denver Business Journal as its publisher in May, bringing with him acumen for newspaper advertising.  Part digital marketing expert and part news junky, he’s excited to be back in Denver after serving as advertising director for the San Francisco Business Times.  He chatted with the Denver Metro Chamber in advance of … Read Post

No Room for Debate: Get Informed and Vote

Here at the Chamber we don’t endorse candidates or contribute to their campaigns. For us, it doesn’t matter who you are or what party you’re a member of—we’ll work with you to develop public policy that will help business grow and put more Coloradans to work. Even though we don’t engage in the campaigns, it’s … Read Post

Global site consultants tour region, discuss Metro Denver’s competitiveness and opportunities for corporate expansions

DENVER – Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2014 – Nine global site selection consultants attended the Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation’s (Metro Denver EDC) annual Site Selection Conference, Sept. 17-19, 2014. The event was coordinated in partnership with the Metro Denver EDC’s investors and economic development partners throughout the nine-county Metro Denver and Northern Colorado region. Over the three-day familiarization … Read Post

Starting a Business: The Movie

You want to start a business? Or you want to replace a job? “If this doesn’t work, I’ll just get a job,” you say.  Well guess what, starting a business is the hardest J.O.B. you will ever have. It requires commitment, blood, sweat and, yes, tears. Starting a business is a lot like a movie, … Read Post

Chamber Weighs in on Ballot Measures

Voters can breathe a sigh of relief that they will not see ballot initiatives targeting the oil and gas industry on the ballot in November, avoiding a divisive and costly election battle. These initiatives would have damaged Colorado’s economy and created endless litigation, but Coloradoans again proved they can work together to find solutions instead … Read Post

Staying Young and Strong in Colorado

It’s no secret that we are active in Colorado—and I love to brag about it. You hear us talk about how smart and healthy our workforce is. And, we know that active bodies help our minds work even better and breed innovation. You know all this. But here’s some cool news—that active mindset is keeping … Read Post

2 Things to Know about Colorado’s Civic Health (and How to Stay Civically Fit)

Colorado is consistently ranked as one of the most physically active states in the country, but are we leaders in civic health? Earlier this month, six major Colorado civic institutions, including the Denver Metro Chamber Leadership Foundation, released the Colorado Civic Health Index, a report measure how actively citizens engage in their communities through activities … Read Post