Strong leadership has been a key to our success – and this Chamber has been on a 152-year roll with incredible leadership with our Board of Directors and Chairs who are asked to lead our work.
And, as we prepare to welcome David Eves – the Executive Vice President and Group President-Utilities for Xcel Energy – as our next Chair of the Chamber, you can see that trend is continuing. He’ll officially receive the gavel from our current board chair, Linda Childears, at our Annual Meeting on Sept. 5.
We hope you will join in this annual tradition where we reflect on our past work and focus on what’s coming in the year ahead. You also won’t want to miss our keynote – Arthur Brooks. The outgoing president of the American Enterprise Institute will talk about finding common ground on issues – a notion we value greatly and will continue to be critical to our future success. See you there!
Get to know your Board Chair David Eves:
He’s outcome oriented. Xcel is leading the utility industry in adding renewable energy and last year set a goal to eliminate carbon emissions by 2050. It’s going to require innovation and will change not only how they produce energy but also means uniting a team around this audacious goal – it’s a lot of work, but with David and his team leading the charge from Colorado, there’s a great deal of confidence they’ll meet that goal.
He’s open to learning. David has seen his share of disruption and knows no matter what industry you work in, businesses are facing even greater change and disruption. This is a perfect time to have someone leading the Chamber with that mindset as our Chair.
He rolls up his sleeves in the community. One of my favorite days of the year is Xcel’s Day of Service – and I’ve had the pleasure of volunteering next to David and his wife Janie on those days packing meals for families in need. He says that Xcel is only as healthy as the community and businesses they serve, so giving back is embedded into how they do business. David also gives his time on the boards of Mile High United Way and the Boys and Girls Clubs of Metro Denver, among many others.
He is all about service. It may be because when there’s a storm and the lights go out, his team is out working to restore power for all of us. It’s so clear he’s passionate about those he serves, including the business community. He is committed to ensuring businesses have the tools we need not just to keep the lights on, but to ensure we meet our goals and thrive.
You’ll see more about David in our upcoming issue of Business Altitude.
And, when we welcome a new Chair at our Annual Meeting, we also welcome the Chair-elect (2020-2021), Trey Rogers, a Shareholder of Recht Kornfeld, and the new Board of Directors for the year. Our Board of Directors represents companies big and small, in a variety of industries and across the state.
Our new board members are:
- Rich Benenson, Managing Partner of Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP
- Joe Bertsch, Regional Managing Partner of Plante Moran
- Carla Dore, President of Workplace Resource
- Jeremy Haefner, Chancellor of the University of Denver
- Carrie Horton, Vice President of DJ Basin Development for Anadarko
- Chris Jensen, Managing Director of JPMorgan Chase
- Tasha Jones, Senior Director of Marketing and Community Relations for Brookfield Properties
- John Moore, Senior Vice President of JE Dunn
- Chris Piper, Manager of Government Relations for Denver Water
- Lorii Rabinowitz, CEO of the Denver Scholarship Foundation
- Troy Stalter, Senior Vice President of U.S. Bank
- Paul Washington, Market Director for JLL
To see the entire board of directors, click here.
I am so proud to represent the Board of Directors and the members of this organization – thank you for doing business in Colorado!
Kelly Brough is the president and CEO of the Denver Metro Chamber.