Even though we were warned that another wave of COVID-19 was likely this fall, that didn’t make last week’s announcement of new metro area COVID-19 restrictions any easier. Coloradans have done a great job following the guidance of our public health experts – washing hands, wearing masks and social distancing – and that has enabled us to begin to rebuild our economy. Controlling the virus is key to our economic recovery.
As a new wave hits our region, we must double down on our efforts to get this virus under control, so we can reopen our businesses and get employees back to work. Here’s what we know about the restrictions.
- Last week, the state moved Adams and Denver Counties to Safer at Home Level 3 and Arapahoe County to Level 2. Douglas County will move to Level 2 on Wednesday. See the state’s chart on capacity restrictions at each level.
- Jefferson County also announced new restrictions similar to Safer at Home Level 3.
As we have been throughout this time, the Chamber family is here to support you with the resources you need to adjust to these new rules. Below we highlight a few of those changes. To see a comprehensive list of resources, visit denverchamber.org/covid.
- The Energize Colorado Gap Fund provides small business loans and grants.
- The Main Street Lending Program has lowered its minimum loan amount from $250,000 to $100,000 to make lending accessible to more businesses.
- Colorado COVID Legal Relief is offering free legal advice for small businesses.
- Each county offers information on its restrictions and resources for businesses.
- Adams, Arapahoe and Douglas Counties (Tri-County Health Department)
- Boulder County
- Broomfield County
- Denver
- Jefferson County
Our Denver Metro Small Business Development Center is staying on top of the latest information to help small businesses access funding and restructure to meet the changing environment. Learn more at denversbdc.org.
Also, be sure to visit our new job board at denverchamber.org/jobs where you can find job listings in Colorado’s diverse industries, resources to gain new skills and information for entrepreneurship.
We know that uncertainty makes business decisions difficult. That’s why we are urging our federal and state leaders to do all they can to focus on relief for our small business community. Please continue to reach out to us at any time with your questions, concerns and ideas.
On a final note, we wouldn’t be the Chamber if we didn’t make one last push for you to vote. Tomorrow is Election Day! If you haven’t turned in your ballot yet, you have until 7 p.m., Tuesday. Find your nearest polling center and check out our ballot guide for our take on the key issues for Colorado’s business community.
Stay well and vote.
Kelly Brough is the president and CEO of the Denver Metro Chamber.