Your Chamber Leadership

For more than 150 years, the Chamber has had leaders who have shaped our region and our current board leaders are no exception. At Your Conversation With, we heard from our Board Chair Linda Childears, president and CEO of The Daniels Fund, and our outgoing Board Chair Denise Burgess, president and CEO of Burgess Services. … Read Post

Emerging Leaders Partner in the Community, Make an Impact

Connecting with your community – that’s what 70-plus emerging leaders do over six months through Impact Denver (ID), a program offered by the Denver Metro Chamber Leadership Foundation. Each year, the Leadership Foundation connects teams of young professionals  to community organizations who need those engaged leaders to take on a project that will help the … Read Post

CO’s Revenue Forecast

Last week, the governor’s budget office released its latest state revenue forecast. The good news is state revenues are strong, and from the business community’s perspective, with our growing economy, we expected to see solid revenue growth. While we are thankful that we continue to see this economic success, we are immediately reminded that this … Read Post

Healthy Minds, Healthy Workforce

We’re home to one of the smartest, healthiest workforces in the country – it’s a huge competitive advantage. We are home to the country’s leanest workforce and most active adults. But when we talk about our health, we often only think in terms of our physical well-being. We know our mental health is just as … Read Post

People + Place = Prosperity

Today at our Annual Meeting we reflected on our successes for the past year and focused on our upcoming priorities. After 150 years, we do know the secret to our success comes down to our PEOPLE. And, today we welcomed our new Board Chair, Daniels Fund President and CEO Linda Childears, who raises the leadership … Read Post

Chamber Affiliates Welcome New Leadership

In addition to welcoming Linda Childears as the chair of the Chamber, our affiliates – the Colorado Competitive Council, Denver Metro Chamber Leadership Foundation, Denver Metro Small Business Development Center and the Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation – all welcome board leadership. Get to know the incoming affiliate board leaders and why they love doing … Read Post