Protecting CO’s Health Care

Our ability to find common ground with unlikely partners is one of the things that makes our region so successful. It was instrumental in defeating Amendment 69 this fall by nearly 80 percent, and in recent weeks, we reconvened many of the partners from that successful No on Amendment 69 coalition to again tackle changes … Read Post

Amelia Earhart: Chart Your Own Flight Path

Amelia Earhart, KUSA – TV reporter and president of the Fly With Amelia Foundation, was born with a legacy to live up to. But it was when she was recreating a moment from her namesake’s past, flying around the world in 18 days, that she realized you can be whoever you want to be – … Read Post

A Look Back on 2016

What a year it’s been. You’ve helped position Colorado and our region to be one of the strongest economies in the country. If there’s a list or ranking, you’ll mostly likely find us there (like Forbes’ Best Place for Business and Careers and Best States for Business). We won some critical ballot issues that we … Read Post

Ten Years of Giving

This is a time of year that evokes traditions. Gathering of friends and family. A meal shared. And memories made. For one group of Denver Metro Chamber Leadership Foundation alumni that tradition includes giving back. The 2006 class of Impact Denver, the inaugural class, has hosted a giving circle since their class wrapped 10 years … Read Post

Giving Back To Colorado 

I have so many great memories of my time at the Chamber, and some of our volunteer efforts have been the best: Our team taking a school bus once a week to read to our students at a local elementary school. The day we painted a senior housing facility—it was quite an undertaking but we … Read Post

O’Donnell Lends a Hand to Small Businesses

Mike O’Donnell is helping small business owners make their dreams a reality with resources and access to capital. As executive director of Colorado Lending Source and a Chamber member for 20 years, he has never hesitated to sit on a panel or support programs that give small businesses access to resources and capital such as … Read Post

One Leader Finds How She Can Serve

Sometimes we just need a little push as we contemplate our next step. For Lindsay Jones that push came when she received a scholarship to be in the Denver Metro Chamber Leadership Foundation’s spring 2016 Impact Denver class. Not only did it mean she wouldn’t have to worry about financial strain during the six months … Read Post