In the Driver’s Seat: Bob Hottman Takes the Wheel as New Chamber Chair

About a decade ago, Noel Ginsburg’s company was in trouble. One of Intertech Plastics’ biggest customers wasn’t paying bills in hopes Intertech would just go out of business. The customer nearly got that wish. Intertech, an employer of hundreds of manufacturing workers, was “in a dire financial situation,” Ginsburg said. But when Ginsburg approached his accounting firm, EKS&H, the response from its CEO, Bob Hottman, floored Ginsburg. “He said, ‘Fees … Read Post

We Put Coloradans to Work

We do one thing here at the Chamber: We put Coloradans to work. In really good jobs. And, we devote ourselves to this mission because we believe nothing creates more opportunity for a family or increases the likelihood of children realizing their dreams than when their parent has a good job. The other side of that coin … Read Post

Learning From Others

So much of what we do at the Leadership Foundation is about paying it forward—passing the civic DNA of our region on to the next generation of leaders so that they will continue to learn and innovate, making the Denver metro area an even better place to live and work. And it’s in that spirit … Read Post

A Statewide Perspective

I love this state. Our landscape isn’t just beautiful; it’s diverse, and that adds to the beauty. Just like the people of Colorado. And, we are being reminded how many perspectives there are because we are spending time with businesses in other communities throughout the state at our Business Base Camps. These “tours” are organized by the … Read Post

Colorado Competitive Council names Nick Colglazier as director

Today Nick Colglazier was named director of the Colorado Competitive Council (C3), a statewide business advocacy organization and affiliate of the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce. Colglazier will begin on Nov. 2. Colglazier previously served as director of public policy for state affairs at the Colorado Farm Bureau. As director he oversaw lobbying efforts and … Read Post