Mayor Murphy Leads the Charge for Diverse Housing Options

Serving the people of Lakewood since 2007, Mayor Bob Murphy has been a strong advocate for diverse housing options and transit-focused communities. That’s why he’s been a champion of efforts to reform construction defect litigation statutes in Colorado, led by the Metro Mayors Caucus and a major legislative priority for the Chamber. His dedication to community building makes him … Read Post

Impact, Down to an Art: Young Leaders Team Up with Art of War to Help Vets

When dealing with difficult memories and emotions from his tours in Iraq as an Army sniper, local veteran Curt Bean lets the canvas do the talking. “Working on a piece of art allows me to get out different thoughts and feelings without talking about experiences that are traumatizing to relive,” he said. Bean is changing perceptions about veterans—and how they heal from the trauma of war—through the Art … Read Post

Expand Your Skills

Abraham Lincoln once said, “Whatever you are, be a good one.” I think my Grandpa was listening, because whether we were washing dishes, mowing the lawn or playing games, he always pushed us to do our very best and feel a sense of pride about how we performed. In hindsight, President Lincoln and my Grandpa … Read Post

7 Things We Love About Our Region

It’s no secret that the Denver metro area is a great place to do business. Here are the top seven reasons to do business in Colorado: Seven: We are competitive. Home to seven major professional sports teams, the Denver metro area ranks seventh best for sports travel, according to and SeatGeek. Six: We use … Read Post

The Best Part of Our Region’s Story

We brag about our region all the time (seriously, look at the great economic news we got this week), and no matter the topic, we can’t point to a single person, industry or sector that gets all the credit for the successes we’ve experienced. But hey, that’s the best part of the story. In fact, some … Read Post