Leaders Making an Impact in CO

In 1727, Ben Franklin started a “mutual improvement club,” which he called a Junto. None of you will be surprised to hear that I had to look that word up. The definition of Junto is a group of people drawn together for a common purpose. And, like you I thought: What the … That’s the … Read Post

This Week In Policy

Chamber Testifies to Protect Education Reform Policies On Thursday afternoon, Chamber Government Relations Vice President Mizraim Cordero testified in opposition to two bills that would remove key measures of students and accountability for educators. Both bills died in the committee. Senate Bill 67 would eliminate the requirement that at least half of a teacher or … Read Post

Tips for Tax Season

There’s a new season upon us. Don’t let that 70-degree weather we’ve been having fool you—it’s not quite spring yet. We’re smack dab in the middle of tax season. Don’t let this part of your business frustrate or confuse you—and don’t put it off. We have a few tips for you, and some resources, to … Read Post

9NEWS Leader of the Year Finalist Stephanie Donner Empowers Others through Education and Opportunity

From advocating for communities around Colorado to empowering women in Denver and across the globe, Stephanie Donner leads by “meeting people where they are” to create collaborative, innovative and connected communities. Donner’s career has included a variety of roles that all were inspired by her desire to be a small part of something larger: “When … Read Post

9NEWS Leader of the Year Finalist Greg Greenwood Leads through Service

For Greg Greenwood, leadership starts with serving others. From mentoring youth to building connections for business owners, Greenwood has a knack for bridging gaps and bringing people together to achieve a greater impact. He believes strongly that “all boats will rise together if a purpose greater than ourselves is at the forefront of our actions,” … Read Post

9NEWS Leader of the Year Finalist James Iacino Builds on History, Feeds the Future

Driven by a desire to give back to the community that has supported his family since the founding of Seattle Fish Co. in 1918, James Iacino stands behind his company’s vision of sustainably feeding people and communities. As a third-generation business owner, Iacino worked his way through the company, learning not only the family business, … Read Post